It's OPEN SOURCE. Satoshi made it open source for a reason. Fully open source. So tyrants like you can't claim a monopoly on the technology. BCH is for free people.
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It's OPEN SOURCE. Satoshi made it open source for a reason. Fully open source. So tyrants like you can't claim a monopoly on the technology. BCH is for free people.
Yes it is open source and yes you can copy it, but copying something and then give it the original name is not done, it is theft (and on top of that you mislead people). In my iPhone example, when you copy the iPhone and give it another name, change some things and say that you think you are improving it through your vision I would say do whatever you like and I will not care if it is against the law by government. But when you claim it is the real iPhone I as an investor will take action to protect my asset, no matter if it is against the government law or not. In a world without government (what is my wish too) you still have to behave, and if you don't people will take action against you. Claiming that BCH is Bitcoin is theft from all Bitcoin investors, and we will protect our property.
It's an unrecognizable coin to the white paper. Blockstream might get sued for betraying the white paper and investors without changing it's white paper. You make that drastic of a change that contradicts the white paper, you must revise the white paper. Otherwise you are fraudulent to the investors. Non-techies don't understand this.