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My version of you is my version for me, you have your own version of your self.
Needing to prove something to someone else is a mode of being separated, and I am one.
I see life, when I see a naked woman... Craig :)... read more
Steem Power explained in detail
Steem stats @ https://steemdb.com/@craig-grant
craig huge smiles for you, always love listening to you, the more i understand crypto currency the more I understand your videos and its even more awesome listening to you. You are def a favorite on here much much love. i learn a lot from you
Steemit is Great so far!
It is great loving it everyday
Steem income is really beautiful .
It is truly 😊
Haha crazy mortal combat moves! 😬
I agree that diversifying investments is smart even though STEEM is the best one. Great video as usual!
Another great vid! I don't know if I should buy a lot of STEEM and get in now or just earn it blogging?
buy allot and get in steem power, plus blog, buying guarantees a good position, blogging is no guarantee
you should buy steem if u can afford it, otherwise blog.
buying is best.
I am just a small cat, so i am climbing my way up slowly.
Do you think upgrading etherium on genesis is a good idea? What will happen when eth changes to POS?
bad idea
Great Vid!
I am in bit connect only because of your videos, i have a bunch of tokens and now thinking about doing a bcc loan.
Nice post! BCC looks really interested. I need to do more research on that. I agree fully with the "don't put all your eggs in one basket" philosophy. Love the Mortal Combat reference... :)
bitconnect, steem,and ethereum for the win.
bitcoin is in limbo.
the dragon versus the tiger as bitcoin is an old tiger.