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RE: Bitcoin Dwarfs Even The 17th Century Dutch Tulip Mania! Still It's Not A Bubble. Right? A Regular Girl Considering Her First Real Crypto Investment

in #bitcoin7 years ago

The value of Bitcoin comes from the people that hold and use it. One of its strongest properties is that it cannot be arbitrarily inflated.

Things like dollars are subject to the whim of a very small cabal of federal reserve board members. Every time they print more dollars--lately called "quantitative easing"--they are robbing your bank account while you sleep.

You are wise to recognize that a bank is a very poor place to hold your money. I think the downside risk of Bitcoin would be someone discovering a magical mathematic algorithm to crack the encryption, but that hasn't yet happened and seems unlikely.

I wish you the best of success in preserving and growing your savings! :)

