Here, looking at the charts for Bitcoin, on, I notice a very bullish reading for Bitcoin. If I'm reading this correctly, based on past data, Bitcoin is about to take OFF. In a big way. With a look at the Federal Interest rate coming, at the end of the month, this might be one boat you don't want to miss!
Check out the video and see what I mean.... Agree? Disagree? Thoughts? Thanks for watching!
I say it's going to crash
It would take such an influx of new money to do this that I doubt it will happen. I believe the next crypto trend is in privacy. XMR will become the gold standard and Shadowcoin's integrated marketplace may take SDC WAY higher. If you take the time to look into XMR and SDC, I'd be very interested in your opinion. Best to you!
Very interesting. Nice informative video. You are getting good at it.
I've been calling fall/winter 2016/2017 for the next big jump for a while now. I'm thinking $2.5-3k for the peak this time, but I'd be very happy with $5k :)
In the short term, here's what I'm seeing:

Let's hope for a cloud break in the next couple weeks coupled with some big time volume. Could be game over for fiat huggers XD
I'd say everyone reading the post and watching the video hope you are right :)
I think the timing is accurate, it has started or is about to start in great style!
I don't know enough to predict the value, but my feeling is it will be way above 1000.
Don't get me wrong I'm into Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies but I feel it can shoot up to $5,000 / coin because even right now if it shoots past $1,000 then there would be all kinds of new interest and since they haven't been able to agree on the block size issues all the new volume and transactions would overload the network and people would be freaking out because they would either have to wait hours to get their coins or pay huge fees to move their transactions to the front. That along would make everyone worry A LOT. I could see it climbing past $900 before Christmas. But who knows. It's cryto. It is unpredictable.
Yes I think that's the most probable scenario. I don't think BTC will pass the 1k mark unless there are some clear signals or improvements on the block size issues. The uptrend may continue but crossing the 1k resistance would take much more than some panic.
Now, about the fed rates, we also have to consider the election (which could have a "brexit" like effect). I don't think we'll have an announcement this month, it will be most likely on December.
If money from big investors like hedge funds flows into bitcoin, this can increase the market cap. enormously and will not bring many extra transactions. Further some coming updates and applications will also increase the capacity per block.
Hmm. I'm expecting something in the $700 range and then crazy volatility beginning in October. Guess we'll see...
I tend to agree with you, but I'm using different analysis. I just posted a video that talks about my idea of Bitcoin as the reserve currency of the crypto world. I think BTC will be above $1,000 within 2 months time.
I'd be surprised to see a $5000 valuation anytime soon. That's insanely optimistic, and there are some alternative technologies (Ethereum anyone?) that have been giving Bitcoin a run for its money. That said, we do seem to be poised for another leg up, so $1000 or close to it by the end of the year would not surprise me. One thing's for sure: we've got interesting times ahead!
I think bitcoin is far undervalued with a market cap of for the service and use cases it is delivering to the world:
-Banking the unbanked people
-Currency for e-commerce
-Electronic gold / hedge against inflation and economic disasters
-Trading, gaming and gamble currency
Furthermore the rise has been extreme already in the past, but the adoption that will bring in the real big money still have to come. I think 5000 in short term is realistic and in long term is pessimistic.
On the technology of Ethereum i am very bullish, but i recently sold a part of my holdings because Rootstock and Counterparty will soon bring very secure smart contracts to the Bitcoin blockchain and Ethereum just split their community and blockchain by doing the hard fork. I doubt if they gonna make it in long term. Bitcoin is not yet threatened by competition.
This is a great article. Happy to share this on Twitter to my followers to read. Following and looking forward to reading more of your posts. Cheers. Stephen
Yes, bitcoin will go up. It's starting.
Solid blog. Good to see I'm not the only one who thinks like this. The cryptospace definitely feels a bit inflated. However we also said that about the S&P 500 40 years ago I found this great website: This site did all the research for you. It's truly amazing. For example: To watch Bitcoin Investment research report.