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Could God use Bitcoin to deliver us from evil central bankers and inflation. It is not as far fetched as you might think.
Bitcoin and blockchain technology has been built by some interesting anti-government figures. This is acknowledged, but is not surprising when the government has shut down all centralized projects. Bitcoin was built in a way it could not be shut down, and that is why it has been successful.
Bitcoin has attracted a lot of interesting characters. There are a lot of scams in the ICO world. There were a lot of drugs traded on the silk road website. God though works in mysterious ways.
I do not have a claim to all of full knowledge of all of God’s way, but allow me to humbly point out a few things for your consideration.
God sometimes uses the wicked to judge the good. If you have never read through the entire Bible you should, however, in the Old Testament God judged nations. Allow me to give a short version. God set down the rules, the Jews followed them for a while, God blessed them. Then the Jews forgot God, a foreign nation came in and carried them off. They cried out to God, he delivered them, they were blessed, and the cycled repeated. It seems like this cycle repeats like 30 times in the Old Testament.
God will not be mocked, and people will be judged for their actions.
Many times those people who invaded and punished the Jews were worse than they were. The Assyrians and Babylonians kings were not exactly nice people. That is to say they attacked, plundered and killed entire nations. Repeatedly.
Today, I believe America is blessed by God. We are a shining light on a hill, but like the nation of ancient Israel we are forgetting our first love. Evolution is being taught in schools, people are doing what is right in their own eyes, and the immorality is spreading. This is being done in many ways such as gossip, abortion, evolution, homosexuality, theft, inflation and fractional reserve banking.
One theft, that is huge, is inflation, and unsound monetary policies of the Federal Reserve. The banks are not honest. Fractional Reserve Banking has tried to mock God. God will not be mocked.
Could God be using the scum of the earth to rise up and judge people? He has done this before. Could God be using Bitcoin to overthrow the entire banking system. I would like to suggest that he could.
This may seem as preposterous as being swallowed by fish for three days and then causing an entire nation to come to God, or as preposterous as sending ones Son to die on a cross and deliver humanity. One needs to consider these things.
God has a mysterious way of working. God can cause good to come from bad situations, and God has a tendency not to like to be mocked.
God’s view of the world is not the same as ours. It does not matter if we think idols are good or bad. God has absolute standards. (They are bad.) It does not matter what I think, or what you think, it only matters what God thinks on matters of immorality.
God and the bible are deep subjects that many have spent a lifetime studying. Economics is still a new disciple, with less research on monetary policies than we would like. That said, I have grave concerns over the debasement of US currency, the growing US debt, and mockery of God’s principles of living a simple, debt-free life. I don’t think we can print our way to prosperity.
This bitcoin thing may rock the world of central bankers and deliver the world from the mockery of dishonest central bankers.
In conclusion, I know that there are a lot of interesting characters in the bitcoin world. There is a lot of lying and cheating. That said, God can still use it to judge central bankers.
So many times what we think does not matter. It does not matter if you believe in gravity, gravity works the same way if you believe in it or not. If you believe that communism, is better than capitalism, it does not make a difference. You can believe you evolved from a monkey, that does not change the fact that you are created by God. God heard the cries of babies that were burnt on the alters in ancient time, and he hears the cries today.
If you missed part one:
Someday, we will all die, and after that is the judgement. God will not be mocked.
It has been a year since I wrote this, and I have had more time for consideration. My Faith in Crypto-currencies has waned. There are too many fake projects, scams, and deceit. One has to make a judgement, are there more liars and scammers in Big Banks or in Crypto. While for a while I thought it was Big Banks that was the bigger threat, at the moment I doubt the ability of Crypto to deliver us from it. This is making me less and less interested and less and less excited about crypto.
yeah, time will tell and it is interesting. The answer is clear crypto is not delivering.
Let's take Steemit for a minute. It has failed, why is another story, but it is failing to deliver. (If I were to stick in a short explantation it has to do with governance, vote buying, and failure to properly reward good content.) And then we get to the exchanges, there are too many of them and they are all faking volume. And then you get to the projects there are big ones that are legitimate (BTS, EOS); but there are big ones that are not, -BitConnect, Tron, ect. If there are not real projects, trading those projects do not have real value. The Idea that a decentralized organization could revolutionize the world is like communism, it is a great idea it just never works. It can work for a while or with the right people or under some circumstances -like when there is other peoples money to steal- but is lacking.
There are lots of lessons and interesting examples in the Old Testament. One that I have considered recently is that of Babylon. Babylon, was a kingdom ruled by a bad king, yet it was still used by God to punish the people of Israel. At the time Israel said, they are worse than we are so when the Babylonian king came to attack Israel's holy city of Jerusalem they did not believe that the city could fall. They had the temple, God's dwelling place, and they were after all better than the people of Babylon. Well this did not work out as the Isrealites had intended. Instead, of being successful, Israel fell and was carried off into Babylonian captivity. It was only there that idolatry was finally and permanently driven off from the people of Israel. It had been hundreds of years of struggle, and nothing prior to that had worked permanently. Now there are lots of aspect to this story we could discuss, consider and think about. And these are the reasons that the Old Testament was given to us. Maybe Cryptocurrency is the Babylon and the Federal Reserve System is Israel. Our Banking system has more or less served us pretty well, one can argue if this is because if it or in spite of it, and crypto, came about as a reaction the excess of the Subprime Financial Crisis. I am deeply troubled by both. Crytpo is full of Scams, Frauds and Bad people. So is the traditional Banking System. Which is worse, well God, does not always reward people based on how bad the other Guy is. Crypto has demonstrated the ability to be a viable alternative.