What is Causing the Bitcoin Spike??

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Why is Bitcoin pumping so high? ~~~ embed:CryptoMarkets/comments/7ftupq/here_is_a_theory_on_the_bitcoin_recent_price_rise/ Could this be the reason? I think it’s more likely people are getting into Bitcoin at a faster and faster rate. For example, it took 8 years for the cryptocurrency market cap to reach CryptoMarkets00B. It only took 24 days to get from there to $300B. reddit metadata:fENyeXB0b01hcmtldHN8aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucmVkZGl0LmNvbS9yL0NyeXB0b01hcmtldHMvY29tbWVudHMvN2Z0dXBxL2hlcmVfaXNfYV90aGVvcnlfb25fdGhlX2JpdGNvaW5fcmVjZW50X3ByaWNlX3Jpc2UvIENvdWxkIHRoaXMgYmUgdGhlIHJlYXNvbj8gSSB0aGluayBpdOKAmXMgbW9yZSBsaWtlbHkgcGVvcGxlIGFyZSBnZXR0aW5nIGludG8gQml0Y29pbiBhdCBhIGZhc3RlciBhbmQgZmFzdGVyIHJhdGUuIEZvciBleGFtcGxlLCBpdCB0b29rIDggeWVhcnMgZm9yIHRoZSBjcnlwdG9jdXJyZW5jeSBtYXJrZXQgY2FwIHRvIHJlYWNoICQyMDBCLiBJdCBvbmx5IHRvb2sgMjQgZGF5cyB0byBnZXQgZnJvbSB0aGVyZSB0byAkMzAwQi58 ~~~
All this money entering crypto, on the road to main stream adoption, all this money has to go somewhere.
Coinbase is trending on the App store:
~~~ embed:Bitcoin/comments/7fu1u5/coinbase_1_trending_on_the_app_store/ reddit metadata:fEJpdGNvaW58aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucmVkZGl0LmNvbS9yL0JpdGNvaW4vY29tbWVudHMvN2Z1MXU1L2NvaW5iYXNlXzFfdHJlbmRpbmdfb25fdGhlX2FwcF9zdG9yZS98 ~~~
Number 1 as of right now?
There’s many reasons why it should be as well. This one’s close to my heart:

Tony Hawk, famous pro skater, is a Bitcoin enthusiast: ~~~ embed:Bitcoin/comments/7frlnr/birdman_is_one_of_us/ reddit metadata:fEJpdGNvaW58aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucmVkZGl0LmNvbS9yL0JpdGNvaW4vY29tbWVudHMvN2ZybG5yL2JpcmRtYW5faXNfb25lX29mX3VzL3w= ~~~

85% of crypto users are male: ~~~ embed:Bitcoin/comments/7fq003/85_of_crypto_users_are_male_time_to_get_our/ While I don’t know where they got their numbers from, my YouTube analytics would seem to agree. reddit metadata:fEJpdGNvaW58aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucmVkZGl0LmNvbS9yL0JpdGNvaW4vY29tbWVudHMvN2ZxMDAzLzg1X29mX2NyeXB0b191c2Vyc19hcmVfbWFsZV90aW1lX3RvX2dldF9vdXIvIFdoaWxlIEkgZG9u4oCZdCBrbm93IHdoZXJlIHRoZXkgZ290IHRoZWlyIG51bWJlcnMgZnJvbSwgbXkgWW91VHViZSBhbmFseXRpY3Mgd291bGQgc2VlbSB0byBhZ3JlZS58 ~~~
Apparently, men are always among the first to adopt new tech, but still. I know too many who can’t get into Bitcoin because their wives won’t let them.
Spare a moment for their wallets, would you?

As much as I find it funny that there’s Bitcoin Gold just chilling in front of Litecoin now, here’s a perspective I did not consider.

A part of me likes it though. Bitcoin holders are rewarded with forked coins occasionally to sell. But it still feels a little reckless. And it’s going to get worse, with Bitcoin Diamond: https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@kingscrown/bitcoin-diamond-already-in-top4-coins-by-marketcap-and-how-easy-is-to-manipulate-this

Interesting question: ~~~ embed:CryptoCurrency/comments/7fqq6z/if_you_had_2000_to_invest_in_cryptocurrency_to/ Can you guys let us know what you would in the comments? reddit metadata:fENyeXB0b0N1cnJlbmN5fGh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnJlZGRpdC5jb20vci9DcnlwdG9DdXJyZW5jeS9jb21tZW50cy83ZnFxNnovaWZfeW91X2hhZF8yMDAwX3RvX2ludmVzdF9pbl9jcnlwdG9jdXJyZW5jeV90by8gQ2FuIHlvdSBndXlzIGxldCB1cyBrbm93IHdoYXQgeW91IHdvdWxkIGluIHRoZSBjb21tZW50cz98 ~~~

Intro idea credit:


Great Wolf of Wallstreet lip dub. Funny stuff. Crypto market over $300 billion is crazy. Things are moving fast.

Great content as always m8 :)
Keep up the good work ;)

Would love to hear what you think long term about BTC and BCH ?

B-Cash....lol! Feel the burn! Bitcoin Gold is like having a golden toilet. If I had 2k to burn for free I would throw it in EOS.

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The best voice over ever... cracks me up every time, but there's some great wisdom in there too. Thanks for the video! Keep up the great work.