@kryptonaut Hmm... nice post & review... as we have seen earlier a jump/bullish trend of Ethereum, BitcoinCash, NEO, then DASH, MONERO, and now Zcash since 3 days..... The Same happened with Monero following NEO, NEO from no where from 5$ to 50$.. then stable between 20's ... and Monero from 40$ to 150$.. and now It's under 100$ . If you have noted that there was a weak signal earlier for Monero that means (in my opinion) It's price will go slightly up like 120 to 140 then It's coming back to the floor under 70$.
Earlier 3 days back when everyone predicted Zcash will go down, My forecast was 95% accurate on it.
DarkNet Criminals will never bound their selves with specific currency neither anyone can catch this conflict easily.
Thank you for this informative post.
Makes sense that a criminal organization and/or individuals won't want to be tied down to one option.
Thanks for the comment and I look forward following your posts.