Bitcoin is BACK! - Genesis Mining Upgrades with 3% discount

in #bitcoin8 years ago

Hey Steemers! Just wanted to let everyone know that lifetime bitcoin mining contracts have been added back to Genesis Mining. Post your codes, and I keep a list of my viewers, to use their codes in the future.

I do want to build my bitcoin mining power over the remainder of this year.

Discount Code: 6EFDl3Genesis Mining:

Follow me on Steemit:


Thanks for letting us know they've added it back. If you can use my code in the future, it'd be much appreciated. Keep up the great work! code: z0e83t

Added to the list, thanks!

Appreciate it! I'm relatively new to crypto and working hard at increasing my financial education in this market. Really glad I found your blog.

I used Genesis lifetime contract lasted 6 months got about a third of investment back. First few weeks seemed promising but then any time there was an increase in value of bitcoin or any other coin you choose the reward dropped. For instance i was purely mining Bitcoin, then they dropped the reward to about 5 cents per day. I switched it to Dogecoine and was receiving approx. 1000 per day which at the time was worth a little more than the 5 cents from bitcoin but I thought hey maybe dogecoin will go up. Then after about a week it went to 20 dogecoin per day. HMMMM that made no sense. Within about 2 weeks the reward was less than the fees and the contract self terminated after 20 days of not covering the daily fees that are in the contract. I spent $400 on the contract, and tried every variation to see if it would pay me back but it did not. The good thing was it got me interested in other coins other than Bitcoin and without trying Genesis mining my mind may never have been opened to the opportunities in alts. As far as making money, highly unlikely. I did do good on Ether through Genesis, here's why.. Ether was around $1 when I started mining and received good payouts on their fixed 1 year contract for about one month i made 50 ether. once Ether climbed to 8 dollars the rewards dropped to about 20 cents per day worth of ether. Again this did not make sense. Fact of the matter was had I taken the $400 lifetime btc mining and $400 ether 1 year contract and just bought the equivalent that day in BTC and Ether I would have made 10's of thousands of dollars. Lesson learned for me about mining contracts.

It's scam or legit?

Would do your own research on it. Generally, no one questions its legitimacy until people began replying here. But do your own research and figure it out for yourself.

As always Ted, thanks for keeping us up to date with the latest cryto-developments. Incidentally mate - did you catch my Predator post? Reckon it would be right up your alley. SirKnight.

I got down voted just to post the same thing as you...apparently that's a "scam and therefore also you"

Some things out there are scams. Genesis mining isn't exactly one of them, though. Sorry you got the downvote.

Im just may happen to anyone else to.

The one you were downvoted for was bitconnect, that's what they linked to. Genesis mining is different, they run hardware farms where they mine the coins.

While it may not be a scam in your opinion, it could be considered spam. Spam is not appreciated by the community and could be flagged or may result in action from the cheetah bot..

It's not my opinion, it is a fact. I am flagging your content for trolling my post due to lack of knowledge about what my post is about. It is a notification to my viewers about something that interests them. If it does not interest you, please move on, but trolling by conjecturing something is a scam when it has been substantiated by multiple outside sources that it is not a scam, is unethical.