do you know that people, when cashing out on binance, exchange their funds in XVG, send it over to Bittrex, exchange their funds back to whatever currency they exchanged it on Binance and then Cash out to their Wallet ! Now why would they do that if XVG is just a pump and dump currency ?
The Fees for transfering XVG = less than 1 cent. Only Raiblocks is cheaper (free). The fee for transfering BTC for example can be 30$ , if not much more. In addition XVG is very fast and also annonymous.
Now it may not be the best one out there, but it certainly is not just pump and dump -- just because some people pumped it, thats not the fault of the coin itself.
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I´d call this smart but you could also do this with Bytecoin or whatever - even Ether, since everything is cheaper than BTC. Most people do it with Tether though...