Bitcoin Is Crashing & Everything Around Us Is Beginning To Crumble....
Strap on your seat belts Steemians as crypto just took a turn right into a detour. Could this be a deadend, or is this just readjustment we need to prepare for the next surge beyond the moon?
I must admit its never fun watching your investments roller-coaster and there has to be a dramatic shift really soon or we could be doomed
The economy is doing some very weird things at the moment & I assure you with the dollar being rumored to be falling, a $20 Trillion Dollar debt announcement & an apocalyptic crypto crash nearing there are some extremely nervous investors. But when the Discovery Channel decides to do a documentary on your existence you have to be doing something right! So be sure to take a glance at the video below and don't be so quick to ditch the Bitcoin Train just yet. Besides if you don't want your collection I have a WALLET that will gladly accept it lol.
Good luck with all your endeavors Steemians & Blessings N Prosperity to you all!
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This looks to be a good time to invest in crypto...the sky isn't falling, just prices. I'm looking forward to seeing lower prices near term & bullish in the long term. 7-3's!
Absolutely @kane1369 this is definitely a good time to grab a bit & hold for the better days to come.
thats how we roll!
but dont wait to long -u know time is running faaaaast
Now is the time to dive in!