$5000 Bitcoin Where Do We Go From Here & Sorry For The Hiatus Family! Help Please @Cryptoblessings Was Missing In Action! Lol

in #bitcoin8 years ago (edited)

I feel as though I'm new to the community again since my small Steemit Vacation. So much has transpired since being away, from new crypto currencies being introduced to Bitcoin hitting an all time record high of $5003 today! 725_Ly9jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy8wNDM4M2ZiZDMwNGFmNzcwNTJmNTdiNzFhNWIzYzI0Yi5qcGc=.jpg

Now that we've crossed the barrier of the $5000 Bitcoin mark, what's next? Could it be a shift in the algorithmic solar system that Litecoin & Ethereum will continue to rally with the Bitcoin big dogs, or is there a solid foundation in the king of cryptos Bitcoin?

I personally think that an economic crisis is underway & crypto is about to make some of us a lot of fiat currency. IMAG3464.jpg

If you just happen to be on the receiving end of good investment manuevers and are in my city lets do lunch maybe some good old soul food from Busy Bees. But in all seriousness speaki g of a busy bee I've been busy & hard at work chasing my Dreams similarly to my son @PrestigiousKids Toot whom released his new video " Dreams " check it out below

I also have been working with my videographer in which we released several new music videos on Worldstarhiphop as well as several other major platforms. Checkout " Gettin A Sack "

Once you've secured the bag its a must you invest it so you may want to consider a few of these investments in your future endeavors.

Be sure to comment, like, resteem & upvote http://m.worldstarhiphop.com/android/video.php?v=wshhZ731ufRA61jdJ05N Happy Steemin Steemians & Blessings N Prosperity to you all - @Cryptoblessings