Is It Possible To Be Too Diverse?

in #bitcoin8 years ago

Hello fellow cryptoheads!

Been a little while since my last post because of life, etc. I have a question for you.....

Is it possible to be too diverse in your crypto portfolio?

My initial belief is that it's not, but let's take a deeper look...

I currently have holdings in 9 different coins, excluding BTC. My bags are currently MTL, CVC, CPC, STRAT, SAFEX, GUP, QWARK, BAT, and EDG. I believe in these projects. SAFEX is making me second guess but the others are strong in my opinion. There are some more coins I want to add such as NEO (did very from this one a month ago), OMG, GAS, ETH, LTC etc. So I'm sitting here wondering what is the threshold of going too far???

Let me know what your thoughts are!

PS...Can't wait for Bittrex to add MSP!!!


I think the best way as of right now is to get these dips and sell em at the profit, grow your btc slowly, nothing comes close to btc, 8 years and still here, scoop the cheap crypto and transfer the profits to BTC, this is what I think is the best way, I also own neo, bqx , vox, 0x, wgr, dgb, and 1337, that I just cant sell, specially my ants :)

depends on what your goal is mate. do you want to trade actively, then sticking with a few coins you keep precise track of would make sense. If however you are looking to invest very long term, I think you could easily hold 20 currencies if you would want to spread some risk. Invest more in the ones you strongly believe in of course. good luck!