Facebook is considering rolling out its crypto wallet Novi before launching diem. And just to prove they’re serious about this crypto thang, they may even include support of NFTs. I guess that means your grizzly next door neighbor Kitty McMunchkin could soon be making money from her cat memes.
Cuba’s central bank has caved under the pressure of “socioeconomic interest” and begun recognizing cryptocurrencies. Have a cigar!
The Honduras has its first bitcoin ATM. Meanwhile, some prognosticators are predicting a long-term rally for the daddy of all crypto, even though he’s a little bit down at the moment. And I do mean a little bit. This morning’s price is just under $49,000. Meanwhile, Billy Bambrough is asking the all-too-important question, Could Cardano leave Bitcoin and Ethereum in the dust?

Ethereum Name Service says you can now import your DNS domain name into ENS and receive crypto payments. Where do I sign up?
deVere Group’s Nigel Green says Ethereum will overtake Bitcoin in five years. You think he knows something you and I don’t?
Here’s something interesting. I haven’t been able to confirm this yet, but cryptosocial platform SoMee was scammed by its new marketing director. And just when you thought it was safe to get back into crypto.

from @StartAgain on Torum
A 12-year-old without a bank account is poised to make $400,000 selling NFTs.
AriseCoin’s CEO gets 5 years in jail for $4 million crypto scam.
The full $610 million stolen from the Polygon network has now been returned.
Two British schoolboys stole almost $1 million in bitcoin. The owners now want it back, but the families are saying, “Uh-uh! No can do.”
We’ve officially found the Idiot Brigade. 28.2% of surveyed Americans share their crypto wallet passwords. I don’t care if she is your mother, NEVER SHARE YOUR PASSWORDS.
The controversial Craig Wright has extended an invitation to the more controversial Elon Musk to—whisper—open his mouth at CoinGeek NYC. Like Musk needs an invitation to open his mouth.
On a personal note, last Friday my publisher requested some information from me to get my forthcoming book, Cryptosocial: How Cryptocurrencies Are Changing Social Media, into the production process. I sent the information they were looking for. The book should be published by Christmas. If you notice, I changed the name. I think the new name more accurately reflects what the book is about. What do you think?
On a closing note, DeFi protocol Tranchess surpassed $1 billion in value in just two months.
Posted from CryptoBloggers with Exxp : http://www.cryptobloggers.us/2021/08/30/facebook-is-looking-at-nfts/