The FTC, SEC and Government are going through the Five Stages of Grief. What they don't realize is that if they don't capitulate soon other countries or even black market actors will capitalize and control the finances of the next 500 years. Paper fiat is done, it belongs in a museum already. If the U.S. doesn't get on board now and keeps coming up with crazy regulation like the Bitlicense in New York they will be simply brushed aside and left behind. The crypto genie is out of the bottle and it won't go away.
I highly recommend this video by Andreas:
It's really dumb they have not already, but then again 90% of the people in congress are old as dirt lol no wonder why they don't ever make change and move so slowly.
Guess what happened to the Romans when they became dumb, stagnant, corrupt, bureaucratic and plain old lazy? Sorry to say, buy the U.S. empire may be going the same way if it doesn't wake up soon
I truly hope they do soon my friend
Fuck Congress.
The government isn't going to make that realization. It cannot make that realization and remain the government. It will always seek to control anything that didn't originate from within itself and crush what it cannot control. We want crypto to go mainstream, yes, but we really want it to stay underground and spread horizontally rather than rise vertically and seem a flood to the untrained (or jaundiced eye)
The Russians getting out ahead of it is not a good thing, IMO.
Give room to innovate and create the environment for this field to thrive, or see it move away to other places. Singapore and Zug seem to be crypto hot already where New York becomes a dessert.
Unfortunately, that's what seems to be happening