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RE: Trade With Jane | Bitcoin Flip App

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Hi @PaolaJane, Hi @cryptolaura!

I'm very glad to see other Steemians are also app developers and promoting their apps on your channel. I've resteemed this post to show support to the rest of the app developing community here! I'll be checking it out, though i'm really a hodler, not a trader, but it's always good to play with new apps and check what others are doing.

I'm a developer also and, with help from other developers in Cuba, we have created Crypto Millionaire. Bitcoin Flip is an app for traders, Crypto Millionaire is an app for hodlers!

Crypto Millionaire.png

It will help you create a diversified crypto portfolio, it's free (ad supported) and will compute your portfolio value just like Blockfolio. However, it's much better than Blockfolio because it doesn't send your portfolio information online (huge privacy issue) and it let's you know how many coins you need to buy to own the millionth of supply on each of the top blockchains. Also, it allows you to backup your portfolio information on your phone or MicrosSd card.

Crypto Millionaire1.png

Like the name of the app suggests, if you follow the advise of the app and invest a little bit of money wisely with this app, eventually you will become a crypto millionaire should any of the coins succeed in the future which is highly likely!

Check out more info about it in the links below. I would like to sponsor a review of the app on your channel. best regards!

Become a Crypto Millionaire with this investing strategy app

Discover your Crypto Portfolio Score and back it up with latest Crypto Millionaire updates

Crypto investing app hits #4 trending on Google Play Finance


Thank you for watching and taking the time out to respond, thats so awesome of you! Thanks for sharing your app with me, I will definitely check the app out for a few weeks and get back to you!

Thank you Paola! Lots of Cuban friends and family in the NJ area. Hope you like the app and do a review, you'll see it's a hodlers paradise! The millionth of supply strategy gives you a goal and a way to balance your crypto investments without going over or under invested in any coin. I'm actually working on updates to the app now, a new skin and portfolio history. If you agree to do the review let me know what you charge for sponsorships, I understand the power of advertisement very well and the value of content creators' work. My best regards

Sounds promising!! :)
Thank you for reaching out to me, I appreciate that more than you know.