Notice I said "less than $2", the average salary is actually $29.6 USD a month, as recognized by the statistics office of the regime itself. Cubans manage to survive thanks to the black market, the underground economy and family members abroad that have escaped and send remittances and, phone recharges like the one I describe in my post.
Google translated:
regards @xplosive
Yes, I know you said "less than $2 USD".
I just calculated with daily $2 USD and said I can't image how someone could live with that income, while I also live with a low pension-like income, but not so low!
$29.6 USD as a monthly income is even more ridiculous!
That's actually less than the half of the previously mentioned $60 USD!
So they are officially living with less than $1 USD/day?
I seriously didn't knew that the situation is that bad in Cuba!
All the best to you in Cuba!
I really hope that the situation in your country will soon change for the better for all of you!
Best regards,