Crazy Buy
I just noticed that someone bought/sold Augur Crypto Coin for $1 on an Australian Crypto Exchange Independent Reserve
Now as you can see on the coinmarket cap its currently at approx. $28
so one person paid $178 for Augur and now his buy is worth $4984 now that is one crazy buy!!!
What is Augur?
Augur is a decentralised prediction market that leverages crowd perception on an event. Prediction markets have existed for a while but Augur is the first decentralised one allowing an event's outcome to be decided by the Crowd as opposed to a centralised one.
Posted using Partiko Android
I wish that was my buy order, dam it I missed a good chance
Yeah same here lol.
Posted using Partiko Android
he/she is not idiot, their needs force them to sells at that price
no I don't agree as you can do small market sells over the day and you will get a better deal instead of doing a full market sell, that's common sense, the only other reason is that the person did a massive mistake and accidently hit sell at the wrong price, no matter what they did that was the wrong way to do it