Funny how nobody involved in the massive fraud and corruption that led to the financial crisis in 2008 went to jail at least that I'm aware of (the SEC; the Ratings agencies like Moodys, S&P, etc; and all the investment banks were all in on the sub prime mortgage ratings racket). In fact, some Goldman Sucks...I mean Goldman Sachs execs were even given cabinet positions in the Obama administration shortly after. Hooray for hope and change.
Regarding short positions on precious metals, I once heard this interview (link below) with with a former employee of a London gold exchange Andrew Maguire discussing how the banks and exchanges manipulate PM prices, have massive short (paper contract) positions and, at the time of the article, were leveraged in the gold and silver market at about 90:1. He's predicted a massive squeeze at some point. Seems like they've kept the lid on it up to this point but it would be interesting were his theory to come to fruition. I don't know how much truth there is to this but it's an interesting read.
Looking forward to hearing your report next week.
Agreed with your whole explanation except first word - funny. Instead could replace it with bunch of these - grotesque, evil, repugnant, shameful, incestuous,.....