Don't have a Binance account yet? Earn 25$ in crypto value by creating one. This giveaway is for the 15 people using my referral ink to create their Binance account. You can choose between these cryptos: ETH, NEO, XRP, BTC or LTC.
After signing up please leave a comment with the first two letters in your e-mail so that I can confirm the registration. Please also mention which crypto you would like.
March reigstrations
Winner 1 - dusanp
Winner 2 - mandalacode
Winner 3 - ukachipeter
Winner 4 - yvvng
Winner 5 - muhibbuddin22
Winner 6 - arcnet
Winner 7 - kvngjoshua
Winner 8 - dangbeo
Winner 9 - dragoblue
Winner 10 - ximenes
Winner 11 - erka
Winner 12 - iratebandit
Winner 13 - whtchpl
Winner 14 - not found
Winner 14 - not found
Coins mentioned in post: