TenX Withdrawls, Monero (XMR) Bulletproofs, (ADA) Cardano Futures Bitmex, ARK wallet, Red Pulse & Huobi Pro

in #bitcoin7 years ago

"BTC Withdrawals are back online for the TenX (PAY) Wallet after the waves crest closure.
(XMR) Monero transactions are about to get 80% cheaper and faster, currently approximate 13.2 kb per average transaction. With the implementation of bulletproofs we can see that reduce as much as 80%, the power of open source communities!
Ark Android/ OS Mobile wallet has been released!

One of the main Italian Newspapers gives IOTA half a page

Microsoft and PwC invites Chinapex/APEX to introduce its AI + Blockchain solutions to the top 20 largest banks and financial services organizations.

8.1.18 - Cardano launches ADA futures on BitMEX

Mai Fujimoto, aka Miss Bitcoin on her social media platforms, figure-heads an attitude that seems to be crowing in the Land of the Rising Sun. She boasts how all of her disposable income is deposited straight into Bitcoin.

“I convert all my disposable income into cryptocurrency,” the 32-year-old told AFP. “I’ve been doing this for nearly a year now. I convert all my savings into cryptocurrency instead of putting them in a bank.”

South Korea Found a Way to Tax Cryptocurrencies Under Current Law
Specifically, “Under current law, corporate taxation is possible,”

Bithumb for instance, the world’s second largest cryptocurrency exchange based in South Korea, has started to process more volumes on a daily basis than the KOSDAQ, the country’s main stock market.

30% of Millennials Prefer to Invest in Bitcoin, Key to Multi-Trillion Dollar Market Cap

China wants an “orderly exit” from bitcoin mining

Microsoft Stops Accepting Bitcoin
Microsoft Halts Bitcoin Transactions Because It's An "Unstable Currency"

~~~ embed:NEO/comments/7owtq0/houbipro_just_announced_they_will_be_listing_red/ reddit metadata:fE5FT3xodHRwczovL3d3dy5yZWRkaXQuY29tL3IvTkVPL2NvbW1lbnRzLzdvd3RxMC9ob3ViaXByb19qdXN0X2Fubm91bmNlZF90aGV5X3dpbGxfYmVfbGlzdGluZ19yZWQvfA== ~~~

https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/cryptocurrency/microsoft-halts-bitcoin-transactions-because-its-an-unstable-currency/ http://www.trustnodes.com/2018/01/08/microsoft-stops-accepting-bitcoin https://qz.com/1174091/china-wants-an-orderly-exit-from-bitcoin-mining/ https://www.newsbtc.com/2018/01/08/30-millenials-prefer-invest-bitcoin-key-multi-trillion-dollar-market-cap/ https://news.bitcoin.com/south-korea-tax-cryptocurrencies-current-law/ https://cointelegraph.com/news/bitcoin-its-big-in-japan https://forum.cardanohub.org/t/8-1-18-cardano-launches-ada-futures-on-bitmex/5500 https://imgur.com/dnS7Thh https://medium.com/@apexstories/microsoft-and-pwc-invites-chinapex-apex-to-introduce-its-ai-blockchain-solutions-to-the-top-20-d312f43f9744 http://csnews.io/2018/01/08/monero-transactions-get-80-cheaper-faster/