NO RISK, NO GAIN! #CryptOnlineDiva #SayNoToPoverty

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Reminding You Of The Rules in Cryptocurrency

  1. Never invest what you are not willing to lose.

  2. Don't touch your mortgage.

  3. Don't touch your/your kid's school fees

  4. Don't invest to die of hunger, Unless you are a diehard like most of us 😂

  5. To be safer, DON'T rebuy or compound.

6 . Pull out your initial investment, first and foremost where available.

  1. You are responsible for your actions. No BLAME game!

*If I lose, I have MYSELF ONLY to blame! 😥

  1. No regrets, learn from your mistakes.

  2. Always DYOR - Do Your Own Research.

  3. If you lose it all, don't lose yourself

  4. If you lose yourself, you have lost it all.

  5. If you lose it all, start all over again.

  6. There are a lot of phishing websites out there.

  7. Double check the spellings of the websites before signing up. For example, "Payza" can be spelt as "payzariere", or "Kucoin dot com" can be spelt as " Kucoin dot org" if you didn't notice that, you get scammed.

  8. If you get scammed in anyway, don't be too hard on yourself. Learn from that and be more careful next time.

  9. Millionaires are made SOMETIMES after series of disappointments, bankruptcies and heart breaks.

  10. You quit, you become a loser.

  11. Remember, winners never quit!

  12. Keep hustling! 😂

IMG_1515000752531.jpg#CryptOnlineDiva #SayNoToPoverty