N-Korea's WAR with Trump's USA... what will happen with Bitcoin and CryptoCurrencies

in #bitcoin8 years ago (edited)

Over the last decades the diplomatic negotiations have failed and Kim Jong-in is more serious than ever about his nuclear threats. The US and Trump are starting to realize that within 1.5 to 3 years not only the Hawaii & West-Coast, but also Washington and New York will be within reach of a nuclear attack by N-Korea.

Will the US and Trump let it get this far?

Would you let a lunatic dictator "who has been threatening to nuke your county numerous times" get this far? I guess it's a matter of time before serious actions will been undertaken since the chance of a diplomatic solution is close to ZERO.

Chances of a WAR are almost inevitable 

So what could this war mean for Bitcoin and Crypto Currencies?

Lets start off that writing this doesn't bring joy in any kind of way. The war that we are about to face would be absolutely devastating and millions of (innocent) people could loose their life over this. 

But it's also the case that millions of people will also look for a safe storage of value just before and during the war. 

South Korea is a very sophisticated county which is technological ahead of most western countries. They also embrace Bitcoin and other crypto currencies on a "relative" large scale today. My prediction is that due to this reason Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies can undertake a MASSIVE growth during the threat of a (Nuclear) war.

Why Crypto Currencies

  • Because large amounts of money can be stored in bits and bytes
  • It can be sent to family and friends all over the world within seconds for safe storage
  • It's anonymous and hard to trace
  • It will gain in value over time
  • It's very hard to confiscate 
  • It could easily survive a "nuclear" attack


As bad as it sounds and lets hope (even though it seems inevitable) it will not get this far. But the Crypto currencies could grow even faster then anybody could imagine during this period of time.

Yours Truly,



very interesting ideas here! great post

If the Norks launch on the USA.
Trump will turn them into a glass parking lot.

thanks for share