Great article my friend, Dimon is not dumb and he knows what he is talking about. But every word he says he (and anybody in the industry) does it for a reason. He knows he has influence in the market thats why he said that. I think there are two scenarios why:
- Dimon and many of his friends missed Bitcoin train, and now its too high to get in, they want to scare the market and push prices lower so they can buy.
- JP Morgan is part of Ehereum aliance, so their interest might be that Ethereumto become main crypto.
Thanks. Yes i agree with point number one. He was talking about cryptos in general though, and the effect a declining bitcoin has on altcoins including ETH is pretty damning. In a few months he will be exposed for holding BTC himself. Or maybe will use his daughter to hold them, as she is a holder of BTC already.
Maybe he hates the fact that his daughter outperformed JpMorgan traders by a landslide.
Haha! That must hurt of course. Or he should be proud...