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RE: The Planned Collapse Of The Economy Has Begun

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Right on point! ReSteemed.
I happened to catch your chat with Richie, I have been an avid follower for a year now and that man definitely cuts the crap. Glad you were able to have such an in-depth discussion with a well renowned voice of the truthing movement!@dollarvigilante

I have spent a lot of time recently researching this whole inflationary vs deflationary currency question that’s at the root of cryptocurrcies debate, why does it have value vs why does fiat have value. We have been swindled into believing in something non tangible and inadequately backed since the move away from the gold backed dollar! Every day that passes our Fiat money is devalueing because of what you said above, and we don’t notice it other then on a generational perspective. My father walked out of high school and started making what I make now after 7 years with my employer plus the fact that he was paying for a $500 mortgage 2 years later which for me doesnt look like an option in the near future as $950 is the cheapest rent I can find and the best mortgage I was offered was almost $1500/month. Is that not a perfect example of how the inflation affects us generationally?

From my point of view the only option left is for the governments to try infiltrate the new currency system otherwise they are doomed to be fazed out with current movement of this society wanting to take back control of there lives and finances.

Why in gods name would I invest in something that is not transparent in the first place?