Already old entertainment news that has been posted on twitter on October 1st, but I thought it was worthwhile to mention. As you most probably know mid November there might be a possible hard fork again. And Charlie Lee had challenged Erik Voorhees (CEO Shapeshift), Jeff Garzik (S2X developer) & Berry Silbert (CEO DCG) to do a public trade, where Charlie would trade his 250 segwit2x BTC and in return he wants to have 250 original Bitcoins. There was no response from the respective persons, however... Roger Ver made the challenge even more interesting. He is willing to trade 1000 original BTC (just pocket money for him of course) and it seems besides charlie 3 others have accepted the challenge, chipping in 250 segwit2x each.
Then of course also some serious news related to regulations in Japan, Korean and some talk on Lagarde's (IMF) speech of last Friday
This is so interesting