The Crypto Value...BitRomCoin

in #bitcoin7 years ago

In the countries of the Ex-Yugoslavia, it is very very common that people, manly Gipsies are stealing the metal objects to sell them for cash.
Therfore, someone had a great vision to relate the simmilarity of the Bitcoin logo design with the most common and heavy metal object around and the name Ciganski bitcoin ( Gypsy or Rom Coin).
It is such a laugh for us here in the Balkans, that today I almost pissed myself when I saw it.
Thats why I'm sharing it here with you;-)IMG-9d42f17bc60acb46fc18b734c960ba9b-V.jpg

Have fun!!!


A daj me ubi ahaahaahahahahaahahah, a vidio na vijestima neki dan kako maznjavaju :D

(ispričavam se ukoliko si već tamo, ovaj komentar post-am po redu svima)Bok @damirkatusic pridruži nam se na novo podignutom Discord serveru za Hrvatske Steemit korisnike detaljnije o ideji možeš pročitati u linku ispod

Odlicno.. Sve 5...sutra cu detaljno procitati i spajam se...cujemo se...zivio

Super @damirkatusic kada dođeš na discord stavi si ime isto kao i na steemitu, to radimo zbog međusobnog prepoznavanja, vidimo se

Very funny 😁😁😁.I like your post.

U zadnje vrijeme samo naši ljudi na Steemitu :)

Hahaha...The only problem is the shape doesn't matter to them, only weight! :D

funny story, vote for this post keep up a good work

sta deca znaju sta je trista kila.. ;)

Hauahauha and I stop driving to read that haga


Hahahha 😂😂😂😂

I grew up in Czechoslovakia so I totally get it :) Thanks for this bro :)

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