
These panic selling noobs would do better selling their balls, they don't use them anyways. Or maybe, they don't have any... haha!

Small balls are cheap balls

Well said.
I have taken some somewhat serious financial risk by buying crypto's on a credit card then transferring it to a zero interest for 36 months card (definitely not advised), but I have no urge at all to sell. Only to find ways to acquire more while prices are low, or at worst wait it out until prices are back to ATH ranges then take profits and pay debts.

I've bought most of my crypto with a credit card but only to get the 1.5% cash back and pay the complete balance every month. 36 months with zero interests gives you some wiggle room but I wouldn't recommend it because calling tops and bottoms is very difficult. I'd say get rid of debt as soon as you can and only use credit cards to get the cash back and beat those blood sucking credit card companies for once.

Still, you are doing much better that some other people that did buy crypto and are paying the interest right now in the middle of winter.

I will definitely be paying them off as soon as the cryptos get back to ATH ranges. That will probably happen within 2-6 months. If not, then 36months is plenty of time to get it paid down.