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RE: How I claimed SBTC Super Bitcoin from my paper wallet

in #bitcoin7 years ago

awesome mate - I will be eligible for all of them except Bitcoin Cash BCH as I had it in an exchange and was less than 0.1 at that time - since then I realised I need to keep most in a paper wallet and kept it all in one paper wallet until last week - so I still have the private key for that wallet and I guess I can claim gold private atom and bitcore -- it is not a lot of money but I reckon it is better if I claim it -- I was too scared in case of putting my BTC at risk - but from your comment I see I can claim without the money in the paper wallet and use that private key safely to claim my fork coins .. you have helped me and encouraged me -- I really feel confident that I can claim these small amounts without putting anything at risk. lucky I kept my paper wallet keys even though I drained it all last week -woo hoo . Your a good guy James and you deserve the pretty girlfriend in the picture too .. glad to have made a friend with you too .all the best, David Emanuel


No Problem at all David, I’m glad to help.

Yes don’t worry your original BTC is definitely 100% safe using this method.

Btw ignore what I said about “destroying” your old paper wallet after claiming your forks. It slipped my mind that Coinomi doesn’t support Bitcoin Diamond or Super Bitcoin so you might need to keep your original paper wallet to claim them in the future on a different platform if Coinomi never implements support for those two.

Also Thank you mate! She will be chuffed a stranger said she’s pretty as she’s got very low self esteem.

It’s nice to meet you also, and I hope I’ve helped you somewhat.