That feeling you get when you make the right buy or trade

Wanted to reach out to get a quick consensus on a quick question. What is the single best move you have made in the crypto space? For example when was the time you made the most by getting into a coin or into mining a coin. Or when did you make a huge sell during a spike just to have the price fall after you sold and it make you feel like a saavy investor?
I want to see what all kinds of move's we have all made and our triumphs, mine personally was buying into Ethereum before the big jump from around $200 to when it hit $300 and above.
Post in the comments your story and I look forward to hearing about it. As always if you want to hear more send me a follow and I typically will follow back as well. Until next time, have a great day!

Ethereum at $3.69
Bitcoin at $250
Digibyte at 60 sat
Those are some good moves, you made some serious cash there!
my best move so far was investing in LTC at around $25 a couple weeks ago, and also getting into genesis cloud mining :) about a year ago with profit coming in daily
Hey xcoil, good move on the litecoin! What do you mine with genesis and how long did it rake to hit your ROI? Sent you a follow
I'm too new to the realm of cryptos...I have no stories but I'm willing to see what others have to say.