The point that interests me the most is this one:
Ethereum would be a 2nd generation and Steem and Cardano a 3nd generation. Maybe EOS is a 3rd or 4th generation blockchain
I would like to understand how can steem be considered 3rd generation and ethereum 2nd. With EOS having the possibility of being 4th?
I don't really understand that point.
The classic thinking goes like this
2nd generation is the advent of smart contracts, i.c. Ethereum.
3rd generation is the advent of decentralised autonomous corporations (DAC), i.c. Steem, Bitshares
I would put EOS in that context as a faster, leaner meaner 2nd generation which will lead to faster, meaner, leaner 3rd generation :-)
Which generation would you place The Tangle? (IOTA)
They say "The next generation" but iota is not a blockchain at all, there are no blocks, there is no chain :-)
The Internet of Things next generation where things can be little independent selfruling entities, they borrowed some ideas to make safe payments and interactions, something like that? It is the already existing "Internet of Things" hype that gets extra hyped by hippie crypto technology :-)