Hello, today I'm gonna share with you basic review about a coin.I've been following for the last year. I'd say 10-11 month maybe a bit longer it's deep onion it's 100% untraceable cryptocurrency that I sent through the Tor network.It's basically an answer to many people from the cryptocurrency world where people are asking for the bit more privacy because you know with cons like Bitcoin and Ethiopian.Because you can trace back the transactions that are occurring.So they have listened to the needs of the people and bringing their solution to the market there are a few other coins like Monero and that are claiming to do the same thing.
But from my perspective deeponion is the bit more exciting and it's also the start of the project.So it's what makes it quite interesting.At least for me.They also have some other key features like deepvault deepcent and honestly.These something that I'm super excited about this project.The deep world is already working. I've tried it a few times it's it's pretty cool.It basically confirms to the sender and the receiver that the file that they are looking at or using hasn't tampered. So it's it's again a pretty cool way to enhance the security.
If that's what you are looking for and the deep sense I think we will find out bit more about it later with a with a new wallet that looks awesome.Development team basically for the coin so hopefully,they will be able to bring it to life like this.
They have a roadmap started in July last year and right now we are in 10 months. They launched the deep cent which will be like I said cool features.
So the other thing that's quite exciting about this is that they have their own community.So you have your own forums as you can see when you log in there is currently 13390 member.it's a really great community. Here it's exciting it's engaging and found a few cool people on here.whilst I've been browsing through it I've been active on it, not always
I'm gonna talk about how you can earn deeponion and increasing your rank? So I mentioned the Deep points it's it's basically a feature that the team has introduced you are able to earn deep points for activity on the forum so for example if you post a new post you get some deep points and you will be promoted in new rank. Every Sunday they will give deeponion free for your participating in bounty programe.So every week they have distributed deeponions between the members based on their activity , article, etc.
Friday we just have a look there are specific rules on you know how many you will get but basically to be part if you want to be part of this a drop you have to first of all register with deep onion and download the wallet you have to have 50 deeponions in your wallet so that's one of the requirements but you also need to be registered on Bitcoin talk because you will have to enter your user ID .You can buy from cryptoPia anyway.
You can get them for free for being active on the forum.I said for the Sunday a bounty programme.so there's a lot of member on it already if you want more information you can go directly to deeponion ask your question.Yeah, it's it's really engaging I would have to say one of the most engaging communities.
So there are many ways how you can receive deeponions from the deeponion.org.I would encourage you guys to go there check it out just.When you do go there please join the community.Read through some of the roads maps. You can see there is a lot of people already created an account. Don't create the new account on the same device.You can use the search button if you are searching for something.There are so many ways how you can enjoy the website so please do that so please do come and join because it gives you free money.money.You don't have to put any money.
You really are quite active if you are beneficial to them to the website you can earn 100 plus onions .it is a cool way to earn the money if you do join the site but if you do like my post just come in post a thread in the right topic which is the poignant talk off topic introduce yourself. we're gonna welcome you.