Thank you very much @haejin, you truly are a master in your art, I've already said that, and ever will.
To those being skeptical about these free tutorials, lessons, and about anything Haejin offers all of us FOR FREE, let me tell you that: be thankful, and most of all, be grateful. I mean, currently, there are only 171 upvotes for 1831 views (and still counting). How come?
I applied Haejin's advice on laddering out/in properly during the last BTS correction, on its first wave (currently an ABCDE correction). And it worked like a charm. I got 10% more, for free! Just because I laddered out properly at the top, and laddered back in properly at A wave's dip.
There's no guru in this! It's just about following the tutorials, and being disciplined, which I was not.
So be grateful for what is given to you, leave an upvote. Remember that Haejin owes nothing to us.