Today, I would like to share a video about AERGO.
In , you can learn about AERGO and in here, I tried to explain why it is a solid project.
Today, they released a video and I would like to share it.
To learn more check out:
Aergo will innovate the businesses with the use of their platform, good thing that they got their new exchange, and they are having the buy and sell competition see this
~~~ embed:kucoin/comments/a79qmp/aergo_aergo_trading_competition_win_6_btc_300000 and join to get a lot of aergo rewards reddit metadata:fGt1Y29pbnxodHRwczovL3d3dy5yZWRkaXQuY29tL3Iva3Vjb2luL2NvbW1lbnRzL2E3OXFtcC9hZXJnb19hZXJnb190cmFkaW5nX2NvbXBldGl0aW9uX3dpbl82X2J0Y18zMDAwMDAgYW5kIGpvaW4gdG8gZ2V0IGEgbG90IG9mIGFlcmdvIHJld2FyZHN8 ~~~