How to benefit from Bitcoin

in #bitcoin6 years ago


As I look more into #blockchain, #bitcoin, and #cryptocurrency, I realise that most people are unaware of the impact of these #technologies on the near #future of us all. They present new opportunities which we can only leverage if we’re prepared to be #practitioners and not to necessarily understand how the #technology works under the hood. How many of us understand how the #internet works yet we use it for applications such as #socialmedia and #email. Bitcoin is still at that stage where use cases are not yet widespread and many people are focusing on the volatility of the bitcoin cryptocurrency instead of #Bitcoin the technology or #theinternetofmoney. The internet of money is a solution to the #inequality of #income and of #capital. It puts the decision to evaluate my contribution to society into my own hands. Here's what it means in terms of social media. I would get paid for the likes, comments, and sharing of this very post. The more reactions and attention I generate, the greater the rewards. There are platforms which are applications of the Bitcoin protocol already doing this. They include #steemit, #dtube, #busy, #steepshot, #minds, #dlive, #dsound, etc. They reward users in cryptocurrency unlike #facebook, #twitter, #youtube, #reddit, #instagram, #snapchat, #google+ etc which are making money through the selling #information you give them and the #attention that you generate. Only a few users have been able to find ways to monetise their content on these platforms because they are #centralised unlike the #decentralized #apps or #dapps based on the Bitcoin protocol.

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