Could Ross Ulbricht Get His Sentence Reduced

in #bitcoin6 years ago

As some of you may know Ross Ulbricht is serving a sentence of Two Life Sentences Plus 40 Years for the creation and maintenence of The Silk Road. In court they tried to say Ross ordered a hit on a fellow Silk Road user. What they fail to mention is every hit they said he orded was only after the FBI had gained full access to the Dread Pirate Roberts account. The hits were only ordered AFTER they had compromised and was already making posts on his name! During court the "attempted" hits were all ruled out do to his account already being compromised!!!

Ross's sentence was purely based off of the alleged asssination attempts! I am not saying in any way that what ross did was in any way ok! But to stick a man in his mid 20s for the rest of his life over a first time offense for drug trafficking was an outrage! He had never even had a speeding ticket prior to these charges! He also personal never sold one illegal item. He simply created a marketplace where mostly exchanges for Gold, Silver, and small amounts of Cannabis were sold! He made it to where noone was being robbed or killed and simply made the purchases of these goods safer for everyone! You also knew due to his trust ranking system that what you were buying was IN FACT what it was suppose to be. In my eyes he made the world a safer place for roughly Two Years!!!

Silk Road creator Ross Ulbricht tried to get his life sentence for drug trafficking and money laundering vacated Monday — but a judge immediately tossed the request, citing procedural issues.

Ulbricht’s attorneys argued his sentence should be thrown out because his lawyers at the time failed to advise him to take a plea deal that could have resulted in a lighter sentence.

Manhattan federal court judge Lorna Schofield promptly declared the filing “moot,” as one of Ulbricht’s former lawyers — the ones he says did a bad job — haven’t filed paperwork formally withdrawing from the case.

The judge gave Ulbricht, who went by the name “Dread Pirate Roberts” while running the notorious black-market website, until Sept. 6 to refile his request that the court throw out his June 2015 sentence.

Jurors convicted the 35-year-old in February 2015 on various raps related to running the dark net site, which let users buy and sell methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin and other illicit items using bitcoin.

As part of the sentence, feds seized $48 million from Ulbricht.

Ulbricht previously appealed in the Second Court of Appeals and the US Supreme Court but did not prevail in either attempt. He’s serving out his time at Arizona’s maximum security prison, USP Tuscon.

If you believe that Ross sentence was way overboard you should go sign his petition. We are trying to get clemency for not even the charges dropped just a reduced sentence... If you want to help sign the petition to help Ross out please go visit They also accept donations in a go fund me as well as creating a bitcoin wallet to accept donations as welll!


If you are interested in his case please feel free to watch the Ross Ulbricht railroaded!

You will learn of how 2 federal agents were arrested for steeling some of his Bitcoins without the federal governments knowledge..

Remember 5 min of your time may very well save the rest of this young mans life...
He is serving a life sentence HE HAS NOTHING BUT TIME!!!! Please no matter your views of the case, without Ross Ulbricht Bitcoin may never have hit $20,000 Ross helped gain mass crypto adoption and attention and helped put BITCOIN on the maps!!!!!

Lets help save this young mans life!!! Life for a firstime non-violent offender is an outrage!!!

Illegal goos are sold on Ebay everyday! You do not see Elon Musk facing a life sentence!