NEW YORK-a virtual currency Values plummeted more than 1,000 bitcoin us dollars in less than one hour on Tuesday (19/12/2017) or local time Wednesday (20/12/2017) time Indonesia.
According to Coinbase, the value of bitcoin fell from 17,929 us dollars or approximately USD 242 million to 16,912 us dollars or approximately USD 228.3 million.
CNBC, citing Coinbase is the leading platform in the U.S. that serves the sales and the purchase of a number of virtual currency.
At the end of last week, bitcoin traded at level nearly 19,800 us dollars or equivalent Rp 267.3 million.
Yesterday was the day that enough is seen "hot," in which traders stock also began to pay attention to virtual currency.
This is seen as a condition in which the eforia bitcoin became out of control.
Securities Commission and U.S. stock exchange trading suspension set The Crypto Company, allegedly because there is manipulation of stocks.
Meanwhile, shares of small issuers Future FinTech who seem to have no connection with virtual currency surged more than 200 percent.
The value of bitcoin on bursa bitcoin CME weakened 4.7 percent to 18,200 us dollars or around Rp 245.7 million.
Meanwhile, the value of bitcoin on Exchange Cboe weakened 7.9 percent to 17,555 us dollars or around Rp 236.9 million.
As for the cash, bitcoin rival bitcoin 24.5 percent, the value rose to record highs i.e. 2,735 u.s. dollars or about Rp 36.9 million.
Not much later, the value of bitcoin cash soared 20 percent to a level almost 2,625 u.s. dollar or approximately USD 35.4 million.
Bitcoin cash parted with bitcoin in August 2017.
Strengthening the value of bitcoin cash occurred following the news that bitcoin payments processor BitPay and storage company virtual currency Blockchain boost their support for bitcoin cash.
Coinbase will support the bitcoin cash on January 2018.
Currently, 48 percent mastered the bitcoin market capitalisation of virtual currency, while only 7 percent cash bitcoin. (*)
Source: serambi
NEW YORK - Nilai mata uang virtual bitcoin anjlok lebih dari 1.000 dollar AS dalam waktu kurang dari 1 jam pada Selasa (19/12/2017) waktu setempat atau Rabu (20/12/2017) waktu Indonesia.
Menurut Coinbase, nilai bitcoin jatuh dari 17.929 dollar AS atau sekitar Rp 242 juta menjadi 16.912 dollar AS atau sekitar Rp 228,3 juta.
Mengutip CNBC, Coinbase adalah platform terkemuka di AS yang melayani penjualan dan pembelian sejumlah mata uang virtual.
Pada akhir pekan lalu, bitcoin diperdagangkan pada level hampir 19.800 dollar AS atau setara sekitar Rp 267,3 juta.
Kemarin dipandang adalah hari yang cukup "panas," di mana para pedagang saham juga mulai memperhatikan mata uang virtual.
Ini dipandang sebagai kondisi di mana eforia bitcoin menjadi di luar kendali.
Komisi Sekuritas dan Bursa Efek AS menetapkan suspensi perdagangan The Crypto Company, yang diduga lantaran ada manipulasi saham.
Sementara itu, saham emiten kecil Future FinTech yang tampaknya tidak memiliki hubungan dengan mata uang virtual melonjak lebih dari 200 persen.
Nilai bitcoin pada bursa bitcoin CME melemah 4,7 persen ke level 18.200 dollar AS atau sekitar Rp 245,7 juta.
Sementara itu, nilai bitcoin pada bursa Cboe melemah 7,9 persen ke level 17.555 dollar AS atau sekitar Rp 236,9 juta.
Adapun bitcoin cash, rival bitcoin, nilainya menguat 24,5 persen ke rekor tertinggi yakni 2.735 dollar AS atau sekitar Rp 36,9 juta.
Tak beberapa lama kemudian, nilai bitcoin cash meroket 20 persen ke level hampir 2.625 dollar AS atau sekitar Rp 35,4 juta.
Bitcoin cash berpisah dengan bitcoin pada Agustus 2017 lalu.
Penguatan nilai bitcoin cash terjadi menyusul kabar bahwa prosesor pembayaran bitcoin BitPay dan perusahaan penyimpanan mata uang virtual Blockchain meningkatkan dukungan mereka untuk bitcoin cash.
Coinbase pun akan mendukung bitcoin cash pada Januari 2018.
Saat ini, bitcoin menguasai 48 persen kapitalisasi pasar mata uang virtual, sementara bitcoin cash hanya 7 persen.(*)
Sumber : serambi
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