50 cryptocurrencies described in 4 words

in #bitcoin6 years ago (edited)
BitcoinBTCDigital gold
EthereumETHProgrammable contracts and money
RippleXRPEnterprise payment settlement network
Bitcoin CashBCHBitcoin clone
EOSEOSDecentralized applications on WebAssembly
Stellar LumensXLMDigital IOUs
LitecoinLTCFaster Bitcoin
CardanoADALayered currency and contracts
IOTAMIOTAInternet-of-things payments
TetherUSDTPrice = 1 USD
DashDASHPrivacy-focused Bitcoin clone
NEONEOChinese-market Ethereum
NEMXEMBatteries-included digital assets
MoneroXMRPrivate digital cash
Ethereum ClassicETCEthereum clone
QtumQTUMEthereum contracts on Bitcoin
OmiseGOOMGBanking, remittance, and exchange
ZcashZECPrivate digital cash
BitConnectBCCMadoff-like investment fund
LiskLSKDecentralized applications in JavaScript
HshareHSRBlockchain switchboard
WavesWAVESDecentralized exchange and crowdfunding
StratisSTRATDecentralized applications in C#
KomodoKMDDecentralized ICOs
ArkARKBlockchain switchboard
ElectroneumETNMonero clone
BytecoinBCNPrivacy-focused cryptocurrency
SteemSTEEMReddit with money voting
ArdorARDRBlockchain for spawning blockchains
Binance CoinBNBPay Binance exchange fees
AugurREPDecentralized prediction market
PopulousPPTInvoice trading futures
DecredDCRBitcoin with alternative governance
TenXPAYCryptocurrency credit card
MaidSafeCoinMAIDRent disk space
BitcoinDarkBTCDZcoin close
BitSharesBTSDecentralized exchange
GolemGNTRent other people's computers
PIVXPIVXInflationary Dash clone
GasGASPay fees on Neo
VertcoinVTCBitcoin clone
MonaCoinMONAJapanese Dogecoin
FactomFCTDecentralized record keeping
Basic AttentionBATDecentralized ad network
SALTSALTCryptocurrency-backed loans
Kyber NetworkKNCDecentralized exchange
DogecoinDOGESerious meme bitcoin clone
DigixDAODGDOrganisation manages tokenized gold

very interesting.

Very good!

Very good!! muito bom mesmo!!

tenho algumas favoritas, tipo a xlm <3