Thank you, what happened after leaving the Netherlands and exclusive news for Steemit !

in #bitcoin7 years ago

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Thank You
We have exclusive news for you to show our appreciation for all the kind comments ! I am amazed by how many people read our first article, upvoted it and even resteemed it. My family and I are excited to be part of the Steemit community and will start supporting it in every way we can. So I was thinking, how can I ever write an article again that is appreciated as the first one. I quickly realize that that shouldn't be the goal. For us the goal is to just write some things about crypto, our family and start to share our life and knowledge.

That's the only reason we even started to accept all this media attention. To be honest we are/were not the family that wanted to walk around with a vlogging camera or iPhone and show everybody how beautiful we think our life is etc. We wanted to enjoy life in a relaxed way and just enjoy the beautiful places we visit without looking on our telephone all the time. Like @buttcoins shows in his 5 minute video the modern vacation.

What changed our mind?

We received so many messages from people that felt inspired by us and questions about how to start in cryptocurrency that we realized that we were given a small platform to support the monetary revolution and change the world. We are still in the phase of accepting and doubt, but for example, the reactions on our first Steemit post were amazing and stimulated us to give it a try and go for it. We don't wanna be the wise ones to tell you what to do but we just wanna be your soundboard if you have questions about your journey of life and crypto.

Why did we leave the Netherlands?

First of all, we love the Netherlands but we had a few reasons to leave it. The main reason was that we wanted to enjoy life as a family without any obligations like school. The only way to keep your kids out of school in the Netherland is if you leave. The second reason was we wanted to educate ourselves and the kids by traveling the world and meet many people and cultures. Explore how crypto is accepted all over the world and spread the word. The third reason was that it was getting cold on the campsite, hahaha.

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copyright John Peters -

The last reason was that we received tons of media attention in three months time which was a bit overwhelming for the wife and kids and we needed to have some family time without interviews, tv shows, film crews running around. You might ask yourself now " but why did you accept this overload in media". Well, when my father died we promised ourselves to say yes more often in life and discover new things.

"We decided that if we see a closed door, we will open it to see what's behind it. If we like it we will stay, if not we will go back and close the door again."

So this is how we treated media as well. Yes, it was new and scary at first but we think life should be about losing the fear of new things and embracing life as it comes, day by day. But to get back to the story we needed some family time and rest. So we left for Thailand.

What happened?

The first two weeks were nice and quiet but soon people in the same resort started to discover our story and wanted to know everything about crypto. You probably know the feeling when you are on a birthday and you are the one that knows a lot about bitcoin and everybody wants to know more or starts to confront you with reasons why it could be a bubble etc. So this happened to me on a bigger scale where the whole resort, filled with digital nomad families, wanted to know everything about crypto.


Then there was the first really awkward moment when we were eating in a small restaurant on Koh Phangan and a Russian guy walked up to our table with his telephone. Showing a picture of me and asking me are you this guy? " Are you the bitcoin family?" My wife and kids looked at me in a crazy way and I didn't believe it myself. Is this guy recognizing me in this small restaurant? Then he said " Man I knew I was going to meet you and I told all my friends that this was going to happen to me. Its an honor to meet you and can I please take a selfie with you guys?" At that point, the kids even started to look weirder at me, hahaha. But we made a selfie, the guy thanked us and left the table. The kids asked me, dad are you famous in Thailand? To be honest I even didn't know how to reply this question because in my opinion we were just a family with a crazy story that went viral and that was slowly going to disappear in space. So I replied to the kids, no not really but some people like what we do for blockchain and bitcoin.

After this, the ball started rolling in Koh Phangan and our quiet time was over and more and more people started recognizing us and showing their thanks for our inspiration and started picking our brain. I talked a lot with my wife about the things that were happening to us and if we wanted to accept this role because we initially decided to just have a relaxed family time. Although to be honest, I kinda started to like the attention and the idea and possibility of having a platform to contribute to this amazing revolution and change the world while we travel. In my opinion that was the reason why, we as a family, needed to accept this role of 'the bitcoin family' and just go with the flow and give it a try. So, after a few talks we decided to go for it.

Media came to Thailand

So we accepted it and started to interact with people some more. At one point we met a guy that wanted to do a short interview with us on camera for his new website He flew a camera crew over from Bangkok and shot a nice interview with us.

Then after that asked us if they could fly to us from Germany and film us for a few days. My oldest daughter Joli was like, are they going to fly with a camera crew from Germany to Thailand to just film us? Uhh, indeed Joli they are, because they like our bitcoin story that much. They followed us for a couple of days and created a very nice bitcoin, blockchain documentary.

It still is awkward for us that people start to recognize us because of what we did but we are more and more accepting this role of 'the bitcoin family' and support crypto and blockchain to change the world.

And now?

It's still unsure for us how this adventure develops but we will just go with the flow. We are finishing the book that we have been writing about our Bitcoin adventure so far. The book will include details about why we took the steps we did, about cryptocurrency plus trading and our life now. We want it not to be a too technical book because there are many of them but more an inspirational book combined with a beautiful story while sharing some crypto knowledge. If you want to be the first to know when it's out please subscribe to our mailing list on and receive 5% discount on the book.


The following step in this amazing adventure is that we want to make a European Bitcoin Tour. We booked our flights last week and we are flying back to the Netherlands in the first week of may. We want to start the tour first week of June. We want to travel through Europe and visit beautiful places we have never been while we also visit all kinds of companies, shops, hotels that accept crypto as a form of payment. We want to meet crypto minded people with amazing crypto stories and vlog and blog about all of this. Just to show the world how big crypto and blockchain are becoming and involve as many as possible people in it. How far are we with organizing this? Not far at all and you are the first to even know we have this plan. Yes, we are not very structured and just live and do things how and when we feel to do them. We just jump, take the leap and see what it will bring us, hahaha. So, if you want to help us please do.


How can you help us?

We want to stay all-in crypto so, for example, we need a sponsor for a campervan to travel through Europe ( yes of course the sponsor will get back PR in return, please contact us for details) You could tell us about beautiful places you know we should visit or help us with finding crypto related businesses to go and blog/vlog about them or even invite us to stay at your place or camp in your garden hahaha. During the tour, I will be speaking at some conferences and we already found some beautiful and exciting crypto related places and companies we will visit and write about. We are invited to a tv show in the Netherlands and maybe more will follow in other countries. All the help is welcome and let's support this monetary revolution and change the world together!

So, that was an update on our life now and our newest plans. We again want to say that we are really excited to be on @steemit and that we will try to interact as much as possible.

Greetings and love

Didi, Romaine, Joli, Juna, and Jessa.

ps we are no english native speakers and writers so excuse us for grammar mistakes etc 😊


Ik kijk er naar uit jullie straks weer op de televisie te zien!

ja ben benieuwd welke het wordt.

Wat je ook doet, ik hoop dat je een tv show met Eva Jinek overslaat! :P:P:P

Het is natuurlijk wel mooi dat jullie (met de reikwijdte die jullie inmiddels hebben) mensen die onbekend zijn met Bitcoin of Blockchain gratis (zonder inleg) kennis kan laten maken met de nieuwe technologieën, door ze bijvoorbeeld naar dit fantastische platform te sturen!

Btw. Mocht jullie trouwens straks of tijdens jullie voorgenomen tour (door Europa) Steem promoten dan kan ik het gebruik van de volgende "Tag" aanraden: "promo-steem". Deze blogs worden (indien ze inhoudelijk goed zijn) vaak "geresteemed" naar vele followers door bv. @stephenkendal Zie ook:

Welcome to Steemit and to Thailand as well. I first want to say that I love your story, the rewards for the courage you showed will almost certainly be huge. I am Dutch too and stay mostly in Thailand as well.

In 2014 I started to invest in Bitcoin and in 2016 I was so certain that I went all in. The reward followed soon after and last year I was able to quit my job and focus fully on crypto. I am alone and without family, so for me it was relatively easy to do so (especially compare to you). Hope to see more content from you on Steemit and wish you all the best and happy years ahead!!

Thanks, Michiel and will for sure post some more here! I don't know if it's easier without family​ and in my opinion, it always takes courage to take a risk other don't want to take.

Thanks for sharing your amazing story. Perhaps you will be in the vicinity of Rotterdam as well? Also, I think you’ll like the story of my buddy @markwhittam as well.

thanks and will check your friend!

thanks and will check your friend!

Great!!!we wish you and your family earn the success that you guys want.And always motivate us by your content and life stories.

Thanks for the follow and will try to motivate the readers.

You made an amazing content my dear friend. We sould connect and support each other by follow each other. I already upvoted you and following you, please think about that.Thanks and greeting from @chanthasam

Thanks and followed back.

Is that some story or what!? Happy to resteem it, Didi!

Wow that must have been a bit full on at first all the attention you and your family were getting. I'm usually in Spain but will be visiting family in Ireland during the summer from middle of june to end of july, so maybe see ye around. The south of Spain is beauitful and has a great community of people some are on here. And yeah you should check out @markwhittam, he is a friend of mine and introduced me to steemit, him and his family are great and also very inspiring. If you plan on coming to Spain or Ireland let me know xx

thanks and will check him and his story.

Get 0.080 to 0.100 SBD worth upvote 4 to 30 plus upvote in just 0.060 Sand at @farhannaqvi7

I really look forward to your crypto adventure. I think that it will show a lot of everyday usability, growth and validity.

Hallo Nederland👋
HOE GAAT IE? image

Hey manzo, alles goed hier !

Ja hoor. Beetje steemit verder ontdekken.
Nice content! 👍

Iik dacht dat je een belg was.
k herken je van op hln.Be en vanop gert late night 😀
Een geluk je geïnvesteerd hebt voor de diepe crash in december. Veel succes, 👍👍👍

Hi there, congratulations! )
Just one question, in the tv documentary from ARTE you spoke about the BTC at 100?
It was in 2013?

Komen jullie toevallig in Budapest? Kom jullie verhaal net tegen en ben ook Nederlands.. woon in Budapest :)