Here the updated Historical data for the BITCOIN-EURO pair from KRAKEN.COM.
If you had bought 100 EURO of BITCOIN the 11-09-2013,
today, 1921.92 days later, You would have 2931.86 EURO and the same amount of BTC
The daily profit for HODLING (holding) BTC since 2013. Data taken since 29/10/2018 @ 10:45am (UTC) Updated every hour
The first recorded price in 2013 was 97.0 EURO.
The last price today was 2843.9 EURO.
The total EARNINGS are 2831.86% or 1.47% per day, 10.31% per week, 44.20% per month, and 530.44% per year.
The data are elaborated during a preiod of 5.34 years,64.06 months,274.56 weeks, and The current order book looks like this: Big SELL WALL of 55.0BITCOIN set at 2876.6 EURO. The sum of short orders is equal to 1473693 EURO. The FIRST SELL WALL of 21.981 BITCOIN is set at 2844.5 EURO.The FIRST BUY WALL of 14.038 BITCOIN is set at 2833.0 EURO. Next UPDATE in 6 hours!
1921.92 days.
Big BUY WALL of 145.195BITCOIN set at 2620.0 EURO.
The sum of Long orders is equal to 1356137 EURO.
The DIFFERENCE between shorts and longs is 117556 EURO.
This content was generated by a BOT coded by DIGITALMINE
Original post here
really that true idea my friend thanks for sharing
My 50 € worth of bitcoins just dropped to around 33 € in only 2 months. Haven't checked the price since a few days. I was thinking about buying some now coz the price is so low and profiting from it later. But i'm still unsure about it.
Well you should decide by yourself!
I can't give any financial advice, I can just tell you that I'm buying, and building into crypto more than aver!
Alright. I think i'll spend another 50 bucks and hoping it will pay out someday. ;)
eheheh I did't suggest you nothing!LOL