This is good to see. A great article for many to see. The mainstream media needs to produce more of this type of content in order for the entire space to grow. I have spoken to a number of close friends who work directly in tech jobs. Many of them still do not know anything aboit bitcoin or blockchain applications. After diving into this world myself, this blows my mind. I have always been a risk taker early adopter and lover of technology. How is it people aren't embracing these ideas faster? The world needs to understand how revolutionary the concept of decentralization and digitized assets has become. I for one will be out there spreading the gospel.
It's a very positive sign that the real estate market is adopting (to a degree) Bitcoins in a more serious way. The more products and services people can buy with their Bitcoins, the better it is for establishing the digital currency - the masses have yet to catch on though!
Please check out my post on Bitcoin & Real Estate here: