Negativity kills open source, positivity breeds innovation!

in #bitcoin7 years ago

When people try to get ahead by attacking others, they generally didn't have anything worthwhile to provide in the first place. Negativity kills open source, positivity breeds innovation!

I've heard many hardcore BTC supporters say theyd never support a hard fork. They think any changes to future code should be via soft fork. My point was alt coiners might be right to push that narrative.

It’s invalid because if they reach the size of Bitcoin, they too will experience the same thing. It's a double edged sword. Even a slightly contentious hard fork, should it splinter the #Bitcoin community more, would give altcoin communities like BCH more ammunition in their deceitful campaign to claim that Bitcoin has strayed from the proper road. It needs to be done right

Bitcoin is able to hard fork. But consensus is needed in order for the chain to live. Do you see any successful alt-coin feature you'd like to see adopted by Bitcoin so far? Large networks have more inertia and therefore are more resilient to change, but not impossible.

Anyone can hard fork a small network.

You can roll out IPv6 in a small LAN network in an hour or two, but rolling it out to the entire Internet takes time. Same applies to #Bitcoin


can you advise me what happened to ZClassic hard fork last week? it went wrong or I'm missing some point? :( I didn't hold anything so I can't check what happened to my wallet... did the HODLers get paid in BTC?

appreciate your time, thanks