
Wow, that sounds bad. Why are you not prepared for such a situation? /:
Should have payed out a bit of your gains.
Good luck bro!

Lack of foresight. My life is madness and this is the cherry on top!

That sucks, hope you can figure something out. Thankfully I only had €4 left on my CryptoPay card so this doesn't affect me that much, had to scratch all money together I had left because my car shut down unexpectedly and according to Kia, you cannot replace a fuse in their cars, you can only replace the whole fuse box, so it's a whopping €1000. The new year is off to a great start.

Note to self, never buy a Kia.

It's probably going to be that way in all cars (and electronics in general) at some point. Had the same happen with a refrigerator couple of years ago. The technician said they cannot replace any one part of the electric components, only this one big box which would have cost €500, so I ended up buying a new one instead of doing the repair.

Haha, do not be mean bro.

Dear crypticwyrm,
Yeah hopefully he figured something out. And your story sounds a bit like quite lucky under the circumstances or the other way around. Hopefully you are doing better now.
Yours truly,
Gandalf The White

Thanks :) I'm fine, I'm an optimistic pessimist. And I'm guessing people on Steem are generally quite happy right now since the price skyrocketed over the last few weeks. It's of course down again a lot due to Bitcoin's crash, but still worth a lot more than before, got some extra cash again now too :)

Great! Haha, I am a realist - at least trying to be. Not me, I mean, I am happy, of course, but I am invested in so many coins that this does not excite me a lot haha
Btw. a frew days ago was a buy option concerning steem -probably still is. Idk, I just post buyoptions and stuff (my trading plan in general to help other people make money). (;
Yeah btc is very dangerous right now. Wait til the futures ended/expired. Btc will probably drop, but I will post bout that anyway.
Lit! Cash is nearly always good haha