Bitcoin & Bitcoin Cash Smash Through $5,000!

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Now, I realize I can’t do this forever. I can’t continue for years to combine the value of both Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash and quote it as a “total value” of bitcoin.

But, considering that it was just 19 days ago that every person in the world who owned bitcoin, if they stored it correctly, also became a new owner of an equal amount of Bitcoin Cash… it is still a very reasonable thing to take note of the two currencies combined price as being the value that the grand majority of bitcoin holders currently hold… or “HODL”, to talk more like the cool kids.

I’d say that this is a perfectly viable thing to mention for at least another month or two… then it’s probably best to completely delineate the two as totally separate entities for the most part.

In any case, since I’ve now officially decided that it is fine for me to do so… I will now make mention that the combined price of Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash surpassed $5,000 this afternoon!

As you can see, during the day on Saturday, bitcoin was valued over $4,117 and Bitcoin Cash continued to skyrocket, peaking over $900 which equated to a combined value of more than $5,000!

This is no small feat!

On July 17th, just over one month ago, bitcoin hit a low of $1875.

At a combined price of $5,000 today, that means people who held bitcoin on July 17th and haven’t since sold their bitcoin or Bitcoin Cash have had a gain of 167%!

Not bad considering the Health Ranger warned, “Bitcoin collapse now under way… has already plunged nearly 40% from its high.”

He warned that the August 1st fork was a “bitcoin civil war” and that the bitcoin Ponzi scheme was unraveling.

Soon after we wrote, “Don’t Fear The Fork: The Future of Bitcoin” where I told people to ensure they held their bitcoin properly, so they received Bitcoin Cash and to just HODL and not worry about the fork.

That’s probably why you should get your vitamin advice from health websites and your financial advice from financial websites.

It’s a crazy way of doing things I know…

Now things get interesting, however.

The rising price of Bitcoin Cash is creating the incentive for miners to dedicate computing power to mining it over “bitcoin classic.”

Currently, miners are making about 2% more to mine Bitcoin Cash over bitcoin.

But, it gets more interesting as Block 479,808 (set for this weekend) will likely trigger a difficulty adjustment in Bitcoin Cash mining 50% lower than it is currently is. And if the prices of bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash stay the same, this means miners will make almost double on Bitcoin Cash than they would on bitcoin.

Keep in mind though that miners make far greater fees on bitcoin (at 1.5 bitcoin per block or around $6,000 USD currently) than they do on Bitcoin Cash (usually under $50 per block).

So, it gets really technical and free market economics will decide in the end whether miners prefer to mine bitcoin or Bitcoin Cash in the coming days, weeks and months.

Needless to say, this is quite complicated to sort through and analyze… so you definitely won’t want to be getting your information on bitcoin from vitamin websites. Make sure to subscribe to The Dollar Vigilante newsletter HERE for the most informative source on cryptocurrencies which we have been following and recommending since bitcoin was $3 in 2011.

And I’d also like to announce that the dates for Anarchapulco have now been officially set for February 15-18th, 2018. The official trailer for the conference has just been released. You can see it here:

On February 18th the entire day will be devoted to cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, called Cryptopulco. Some of the big names that are already confirmed are Roger Ver, Trace Mayer, Dan Larimer (creator of Steem & EOS) and many others.

And on February 19th we’ll be holding our third annual TDV Internationalization & Investment Summit with a sizable focus on cryptocurrencies in addition to precious metals, gold stocks and internationalization of your ass and assets.

And if you register before September 1st you can get a discount off of Anarchapulco & The Dollar Vigilante Summit.

You can check it all out and register at If you plan to go, you may wish to register as soon as possible as given the massive gains earned by our massively growing audience, the event will likely sell out quite quickly.

I’ll look forward to seeing many of you in Acapulco, Mexico this coming February!

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Thanks for sharing the info and sure would love to be part of the next Anarchapulco, even if it meant only to be there to see Dan talk...

Namaste :)

Is iota going to be represented?

Bitcoin rate up and down sometime i'm scared when it's gone down but sometime i'm happy because when it's will gone down i will buy it again

The miner that is mining the most blocks isn't even putting them on the market! That's the best part of it all...

I had my god damn btc in steem at the time of the fork. trying to be the man trading and making small gains. didn't pay attention to btc news. lesson learned.

@jbouchard12 You were not alone... Many are kicking themselves right now.

Another fork coming this winter. May be a dip then to get in?

BitcoinCash is a scam, don't fall for that BS. Just buy Bitcoin!

rookie mistake. no problem! just pay attention to bitcoin forks for sure! I'm sending you a lil something for that trouble.

Quit cursing God and he might give you true riches

Sorry chef. Editted it.

Yeah me too... But it's OK because bitcoin will not go anywhere. We've learned out lessons so let's buying bitcoins now :D

if you had your btc in stemm.. you didnt have btc , I feel you tho Ive made similar bad trades

Ya bad choice of words. My money set asside for crypto

I sent bitcoin to the wrong address (BCC address instead of BTC address on Bittrex). It was only $200 worth but still may or may not get it back. Everyone makes rookie mistakes. It's the price we pay for the knowledge that will benefit us financially in the future.

Let's hope same BTC address is also owned by Bittrex

That’s probably why you should get your vitamin advice from health websites and your financial advice from financial websites.

It’s a crazy way of doing things I know…

funniest thing I've read all day ! LMAO! :)

Lol the Health Ranger is crazy, man! He has had too many vitamins. Really looking forward to how these bitcoin wars play out the next month or so!

It is going to be quiet for a while imo... but after that ^^

I'm out of BTC and only have some BCH left. Inevitably having 2 coins competing will dilute the demand.
I'll re-enter only once it becomes clear which one is The Bitcoin to take the crown.
See you all at Cryptopulco! =)

PS: I'm out of BTC but have filled up some ALT bags in the meanwhile : especially IOTA, ETH, EOS...and today drumroll ...STEEM!

Get some Bitshares too.

Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin will both be at $4000 in a month, and here's why:

Jeff did mentioned PivX is something to watch.

Why would you ever combine the values? That are different. Yes one has spawned from the other, for bad or worse. But they are, and have been for 19 days now,DIFFERENT. Anyhow, it's nice to see this side of 8t so thabks for that.

Combine since assuming you had held your own private keys. If you have 10 bitcoins before August. Hence you would have both 10 bitcoins X current bitcoin price; and 10 X Bash (aka Bitcoin Cash) price. So your nett worth is the obviously combined total. HOpe it helps!

Crazy sports

Haha! Keep laying the smack down on the Health Ranger! How embarrassing for him!

Good info. I'm more excited about crypto now that the fork has occurred. To the future! 💥

Great thoughts!

Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash. The Future is Now. @dollarvigilante Jeff has been wanting you to get on Board the Crypto Train. I think we are still in the Very Early Stages of where a lot of Coins and Tokens are going to go in the Future. The Future is now and you can improve your Financial well being by dipping into the Pool. STEEMIT is part of the Great Pool too.....................Thanks Jeff

I knew it was going to happen too! But I let that little voice in the back of my head convince me not to convert my ETH into BTC. Could have made some money there! Especially with the way Ethereum is going right now :P


Hello dollar vigilante i wish that i know your name, maybe its my fault, so please accept my apology.
My name is Ehab and i am one of your fans on youtube.
My question is BCH is the new trusted currency after BTC and what is ethereum status in this race?

bitcoin continues to fascinate me as time goes on..

Thanks for sharing. Bitcoin will rocket when the world wakes up to living on a flat plane, the biggest lie of them all. Goodbye Elite.

I really didn't get that ^^

The world is flat not round. Its all a lie

There is no part of this world that is flat; even my driveway is not flat, it has curves and bumps all over it. Flatness only exists as a mathematical postulate, it is impossible to achieve flatness. Who told you the world was flat? Even Hellen Keller could see the world is not flat.

But yes of course I didn't mean hills and valleys. I ment on a infinatley long distance as in not a round ball.

Ain't BitcoinCash was Supposed to be an Altcoin and so many people asked everyone to just dump it.?

And now everyone is giving combined #Bchain targets.

How confusing for new users who are yet to buy their first Bitcoin..

and there's more... maybe a third Bitcoin in November...

Hey @ dollarvigilante Everyone who hed a BTC has an equal amount of BCC or BCH as one would like to call it. This gives the new born coin and incredible reach and market cap. For a new born it sure is soaring high.

There was alot of uncertainty around the aug 1 fork but i tried to hold as much bitcoin as i could. It paid off.

i have been wondering if the old world order,banks and dominators are running the segwit forks as sosial engineering of masses to make the opening for a takeover, tricking miners and btc owners to panic selling the btc.and injecting mallvare segwit2 is a goatse! 1 gaping securety hole for all holders, no private key neded to spend btc from any wallet. the corporations china owning the mining farms, the nodes keeping all wallet adresses. the banks will try to scare us into a 911 (patroiot act, situation willingly giving away the securety needed to use the coins in wallet.
15000 bcc 40000 60000 bcc bulk sales last days, suport teoryof wales trying to takeover when mining nodes statusquo controoling the rules. anarkists dont o what dominator wants. btc is not bankers assets butt freedom for alll. punx anarkists need to dobbel fist fuck the president,bankers unil they burs and the shitt burst and tru smell of all asholes is revealed, hope they drown in shitt and die; stemmit anarkists raise

Me and my husband made a very bad mistake but selling our bitcoin too fast we could have doubled nearly tripled our assets. Wish I would've read this earlier. 😑 On that note great article and very informative!

The Dollar Vigilante advice is not magical, he only reports on things when they go up. He is like Captain Hindsight from SouthPark!

Bitcoin will rise more but not soon imo... I'd go for iota instead ... just my opinion ;)

DAMN. Some people are so stupid. BOOKMARK this comment and CHECK IT when you come back crying about how much money you've lost on BCH pump &dump and how much money have been stolen from you because you gave your BTC private keys to LUNATIC Roger Ver.
Bitcoin Cash = lunatic ROGER VER.

Almost all "suggested wallets" are just fast "tweaked" clone of regular BTC wallets ...... hosted on websites Roger Ver is behind .... hosted on anonymouse hosting and anonymous domain registrars (all with BTC payments), with WHOIS GUARD (another layer of hiding true identity of owner)

But unlike all his failed attempts to parasite on BTC (Bitcoin Classic, Bitcoin XT, Bitcoin unlimited), now he hides his involvement but wants your private keys.
Almost all BCH trade volume is ROGER VER trading with himself to pump the prices before he dumps everything.
That is the ONLY PURPOSE of Bitcoin Cash.

Yeah bcc has less than a year in my opinion. Clearly will be flooded when the masses learn to access their bcc they already hold. Sell your bcc while the price is good. Hold it for too long and your going to get burned!

Yes, people are stupid... but you are one of those people so better double check your premises. Segwit is the flawed chain, segwit is a hack:

Hey, dummy. Before calling me stupid, how about learning what does "hack" and "flawed" mean.
BTW, what does Segwit have to do with Bitcoin Cash being just another parasitic attempt of lunatic Roger Ver?

Hey, dummy. What exactly is "flawed chain"??? Because chain is a stream of data. Client SW code can be flawed. Algorithm can be flawed. But stream of data can't be flawed.

Congratz loser on misleading hundreds of people to raise the value of your 0,05 BCC before Roger Ver dumps every BCC he has and the value would plummet for pennies and never recover as there is NO REAL BUSINESS behind BCC.

Don't miss this opportunity to get the free airdrop from this new altcoin Wcx!!!!

Thank for wonderful information.

What I would do for a time machine to go back to 2011....

the problem with BTC at the moments isn't block size it's the fact that if there's a panic sell BTC cannot recover. This is because it has no emergency difficulty adjustment ability. If enough hashpower moves over to BCH it BTC will be crippled. The situation is extremely unstable

Is there a possibility that Bitcoin cash goes down in the near future ?

Awesome that Bitcoin is going up!

Thanks for sharing this beautiful article. I think bitcoin is a better way to earn money alot and best for future but i expect ripple coin is best for future coin.

Way to go... 👏👏👏

Part of me wonders what the bitcoin price would be right now if there was no fork. Would it be the combined $5000? Would it be less? Would it be more? I guess we'll never know. We can only estimate.

i missed out on the bcc as i had only bought my bitcoin a couple of days before the split and couldn't be sure i was doing the right thing if i transferred it out of the exchange. it sucks being new , but at least my $200 in bitcoin is now worth $300. i will buy a little more when and if it pulls back.

Im new to this scene, could anyone please point me to a decent rundown video that will explain what i need to do as complete novice?

Thanks in advance

If you're new to bitcoin, I would recommend looking up any videos by Andreas Antonopolous, and reading his book mastering bitcoin.

Jeff has tons of informative videos on crypto and bitcoin and is dialed right in.

@dollarvigilante Please don't stop aggregating the prices of Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash. Since for over 8 years they have been saying that Bitcoin is a Ponzi Scheme. If these simpletons can't grasp the concept of Bitcoin nodes, supernodes and miners then they should should just come out in the open and admit that they are a bunch of low brow speculators.

This makes me glad that I have been holding on to my Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash. Thanks for this post.

They surly shouting for the stars , crypto is so much fun

So mining BCC is more profitable, but the fees the miners get from BTC are better?... What do you predict it could happen? will BCC keep raising?

Nice post. @dollarvigilante .upvoted ..i dont know much about bitcoin and bitcoin cash can anybody provide me the detail vedio link..

follow me @gaurav11

Yes Benny, you couldn't have said it better, "Fuck the media, fuck the banks, fuck drone strikes, fuck hunger, fuck wars, fuck ignoring of the poor, fuck the left, fuck the right, fuck the government!"

Jeff, great post and production you got going on for your videos. The Bitcoin All time high was off the hook and now the official Anarchapulco trailer just makes us want to have more. So let me ask you, what should happen for the next music production to take place? Another Bitcoin high? Or maybe why not just have your producers team start making a compilation of your history. Edit video together from when you first started to now. Release them in episodes with a new featured artist.

Steemians, hope to meet you all at Anarchapulco 2018!

Peace, Love and Anarchy!

If only I had known about bitcoin years ago lol

This is a nice post i must confess. I love your post.each time am on your article i get so informed. You did a great job. Keep it up.

Love their steady climb in prices.

great info

Keep up the great work Jeff

Thank you ...for your information...maybe i have invest bch and btc, it both very ..very...vwey advantage..

Thanks for information!

one question, resteem post upvote more, who will get reward, original author or who resteem it?

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