Bitcoin continues to break records, hitting a high of $3,433.10 today.

While cryptocurrencies as a whole smashed through their all-time high near $115 billion surging over $118 billion today.

Even Bitcoin Cash got into the action today surging about 60% on average across exchanges to a high of $373.

I was just on Bitcoin.com’s podcast with Mr. Brian “BitcoinBrian” Wilson, and we covered my outlook for the future of crypto which is more bullish than ever.
We also touched upon the potential future of Bitcoin Cash and whether or not it will gain any serious traction or possibly even achieve some kind of dominance over bitcoin.
I pointed out that it’s possible bitcoin may end up just being used primarily as a store of value similar to the way gold is used in that manner and perhaps Bitcoin Cash will wind up being used as a medium exchange for microtransactions.
On a more personal level, I talk a little bit about why I love Mexico, and Acapulco specifically, so much.
If you want to hear a bit about the future of crypto plus what could happen to bitcoin if banks start collapsing, and why living in Mexico might be something you would enjoy, please check out the full interview HERE:
If you don’t understand how bitcoin works and would like to learn more, please subscribe to our newsletter HERE and you will gain access to our bitcoin basics book which will teach you how to get started plus give you free access to the e-book, The Book Of Satoshi, which includes original content from the creator(s) of bitcoin.

still very early adoption.
1500 BTC per hour being purchased globally this hour... via fiatleak.com
figured id make a music video to celebrate... @dollarvigilanteNice news
Anarchy on the moon
10grand by the end of the year?
Why does bitcoin keep rising if so many other cryptos offer the same value, but much more including lower transaction fees and faster times?
Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency and has the most support and the most name recognition. Japan has implemented it as a legal payment method and over 300,000 stores are now accepting Bitcoin. It's far ahead of all of the other cryptos when it comes to adoption.
It has the most infrastructure with developers, wallets, exchanges, and nodes that create the network. Many of the other crypto projects are just gaining in popularity and build of their networks. Maidsafe is a project I personally would love to see widely adopted.
oh boy oh boy!
This is the video that keeps you on the loop.
Good Job guys !!
@jeffberwick is the best.. thanks for all the info...
That's a good one @tastetwist haha
yeah right, this will never get old :D
To the Mooooooon!
Dude, gotta aim higher! XD
Things are looming very bright for the crypto market. Especially witb global gains starting to mellow out, unless you are wealthy and arent afraid of the bubble. Crypto has a very important year ahead, NEM is starting to build a pressence in Asia, and samd with NEO. We are also witnessing a year where Japan and China are investing more into Crypto. Of this trends
bitcoin cash, is it sustainable?
IMO yes! But to a very powerful Bitcoin.
Bitcoin Cash...OH YEAH!!!
buy bitcoin cash, yes!
Can both Bitcoins survive? I think so.. I need to buy some extra BCH!!!
This was a very helpful video thank you for sharing @dollarvigilante I am now following you and look forward to your posts here on steemit!
I honestly didn't think Bitcoin Cash was going to last. But it's been holding up so far. Plus, Coinbase did say they were going to add it to their platform next year. So that's going to create a lot of buzz for Bitcoin Cash in the coming months. I'm excited for the next months in the crypto world!
Such great news... remember guys, by on the big dips :)
this thing is going to take off
BTC booming, ETH is doubled since 7/15, everything is making great strides, love to see the growth going on, because as we grow, the interest grows, and the crypto-world gets more populated! GREAT post!
So when is STEEM gonna join BTC?
I think BCC is a great pic for this month.
Keep it coming @dollarvigilante!
Imagine if steem followed suit and grew to the size of bitcoin. That would be amazing. I thinks it's possible if users spread the word and the website grows.
it's fab standing in the middle of history being made
Thank you Jeff!
Agree with BTC's potential to be the store of value. High hopes on ETH being the transaction platform
Keep it up up up .....🤙🏼
I usually have things like this playing in the background while I am doing my Crypto.
Then I heard Alberta, Canada.
Who would you Cheer for Flames or Oilers? I might have to have a illogical dislike for you depending on the answer...
ABC...Anyone But Calgary!
I will check out Acapulco soon. Hope I can make it to the next conference. What do you think of this crypto investing strategy Jeff? It gives a very good idea how much you should invest in each coin and how to rebalance to always come up on top: https://steemit.com/crypto/@cryptoeagle/what-percentage-should-you-invest-in-each-cryptocurrency-find-out-with-this-guaranteed-to-win-strategy
Nice to see this article... with wonderful photos...
keep it up dear
Thanks for this timely update, Jeff!
The way I see it, BTC will be worth somewhere between $2500 and $6000 in the next few months. The only big thing that can cause its volatility is the ‘flippening’ (a possible scenario of ETH overtaking BTC in market cap). If that does happen, then conservative numbers of Bitcoins are likely but will still continue to rise slowly.
Having said that, as long as overall cryptocurrency market cap exceeds and sets higher records (already above $115 Billion USD at the moment), then higher numbers for BTC unit price is inevitable. There are other factors as well, like the next fork and how quickly the Lightning Network will change BTC transaction speeds.
it is informative ,and it is not too late ..start buying bitcoins/crypto coins
Its good news for the crypto lover like us:)
Thanks for all of your hard work Jeff! My family & I have bennifitted from it.
Jeff, Do you see a pull back on the prices anytime soon or do you see us soaring on to 5k? I'm holding onto my Bcash just in case.
To the moon people!
Very good bitcoin ride
Jeff, do you see it breaking through 4400 this week?
This post has received a 0.12 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @binkley.
An interesting review, in principle, bitcoin will be a gold mine, it happens, which can not be done in ordinary currency, because for that bitcoin is created. Thank you very much.
Nice. upvoted and restreemed.
Those little trading bots are working their little asses off now! If they have asses. :)
Wow that bear market was really short.
Here's to hoping some up and coming alt coins make me rich this week. Okay, I can wait a year or two!
This rally still can't sustain. We're due for a long term pullback eventually. I think the new BCC/BCH has been creating some new hype, but we're due for a bigger pullback than when BTC hit 1800 last month.
i sense a disturbance in the force.... bitcoin will be back below $1200 and maybe as low as $700-800. Give it a few months. Over the long term though, will go much higher. Crash is inevitable at some point. Again.
$1200 maybe but the $700-800s are long behind
Wow, I can't believe how far off you are with some of your dates. Internet began in 1991, not '93, and fb, Youtube and Twitter have been around long before 2010 as you claim (2004, 2005, and 2006 respectfully). If you want to work on your credibility, know your facts. I enjoy listening to your predictions but have some doubts when you can't get basic facts right. Credibility is paramount in what you do.
Your the man Jeff ahead of the people
Everyone's getting super-duper hype on Bitcoin after the fork, but there are still some looming issues, so please take caution. Check out this excellent article by @belerophon that offers some valuable information.