Jim Cramer Is Completely Insane... And Says Bitcoin Is Going to $1 Million

in #bitcoin8 years ago (edited)

The thing with FakeStream media is that the few hundred people left who still watch it are mostly vaccinated, fluoridated and dumbed down in 12 years of communist style government indoctrination camps.

So, the people who do watch have no idea what kind of absolute garbage they are watching. You could probably sit them in front of an Etch-A-Sketch with the word “stocks” crudely written on it and they wouldn’t notice a difference between that and CNBC.

That must be the only reason Jim Cramer still even has a job.

Only in a world where the audience are brainwashed zombies could Jim Cramer say “Bear Stearns is fine” when it was trading at $62 in 2008… and then six days later, the company was sold to JPMorgan for $2/share… and Cramer still has a job to this day at CNBC!

So, when we heard Jim Cramer just said on CNBC that bitcoin was going to $1 million we shuddered!

Everything Jim Cramer says is completely moronic and usually totally wrong… and you can usually make money by doing the exact opposite of what he says. So it was very worrisome to hear that he thought bitcoin was going to $1 million.

Then I watched the video.

Phew! His reasoning for why bitcoin will go to $1 million is the most ludicrous, insane thing I have ever heard… which is par for the course from eardrum cracking Cramer.

According to him, bitcoin won’t go to $1 million because it is a paradigm shift and evolution in money, banking and finance.

No, the reason it will go to $1 million per bitcoin is because people will need it to pay blackmail!

He said, “I think it could because the European banks are frantically trying to buy them so they can pay off ransomware. It’s a short-term way to be able to deal with cybersecurity. It is the way to pay off the bad guys.”

CoinTelegraph.com blew this theory out of the water within seconds:

  • In the case of WannaCry ransomware, the biggest ransomware attack in history, the distributors earned less than $100,000. That is only 0.0012 percent of the European Bitcoin exchange market. Thus, to say that Bitcoin’s price is rising because of 0.0012 percent of traders from the fifth largest Bitcoin exchange market is not an accurate depiction of the surging Bitcoin price.

Not to mention, we already outed WannaCry as a globalist false flag.

So, no need to panic sell bitcoin. Cramer did say it would go to $1 million BUT his reasoning was perhaps the most ridiculous thing we’ve heard yet about bitcoin. He almost makes the Health Ranger look like a bitcoin genius.

There are some good reasons to speculate that bitcoin could eventually be worth $1 million. In fact, I did that all the way back in 2013 in my article, “The Dollar Is A Barbarous Relic: The Rise of Bitcoin.”

In it, I made the case for why the US dollar and all other fiat currencies will be worthless in the coming decade. And then just did the basic math on what bitcoin would be worth if it replaced the US dollar and was used worldwide as currency.

Here is what I said:

“In 10-15 years, if things go well, Bitcoin will be real money, accepted worldwide and it will be worth the equivalent of $1 million in today's dollars (and, of course, the dollar wouldn't be anything but a bad memory then). Where do I get the $1 million figure from? Well, there are many ways to attempt to calculate the value of a Bitcoin but if you make the assumption that in 10-15 years Bitcoin is a worldwide used currency, much like the US dollar is today, then all you need to do is look at the total dollar value of US dollars outstanding (which depending on your method of calculation could be anywhere from $4-12 trillion) and divide by the total amount of Bitcoins outstanding. Let's use the $12 trillion figure, for ease of use, and let's assume there are 12 million bitcoins outstanding in 10-15 years, also for ease of calculation. That number works out to $1 million per Bitcoin.”

The fact that, four years later, Jim Cramer is on CNBC talking about bitcoin going to $1 million to pay blackmail is hilarious in just how behind the times they are.

I actually appeared on CNBC in 2013, my only appearance, and while they acted like bitcoin was weird and scary I finished off by saying that the current monetary system is much more scary than any ideas they have about bitcoin.

They’ve never invited me back since. Apparently you aren’t supposed to let people know about the coming dollar crash ahead of time.

No big deal though… The Dollar Vigilante has about the same total audience as CNBC does on the internet now anyway!

If you still don’t fully understand cryptocurrencies here is a special discount to our newsletter and access to our book, Bitcoin Basics here.

And, also I’ve done a special 4-video series showing why cryptocurrencies are so important. If you watch them all and want to get more info afterwards we’ll send you your first $50 in bitcoin directly from me, personally.

Don’t be like the Health Ranger and Jim Cramer and look like an idiot in public with no knowledge about cryptocurrencies. Check out our bitcoin book and free 4-video series above.

No matter what you do, though, turn off CNBC and the television programming. It’s called programming for a reason. Stick with us here at dollarvigilante.com and steemit.com.

Speaking of Steem… you may recall our article, “Steem Explodes Higher… It’s Time Everyone Looks at Steemit Again” from just a month ago.

At the time Steem was trading at $0.25. It is currently trading at $2.50, for a nice 1,000% gain.

Turn off Cramer and CNBC… and stay tuned here for more!

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Thanks @dollarvigilante for the post. I don't watch Jim Cramer, but after reading your write up I definitely won't be paying him any attention in the future. $1M would be nice, though I don't own any bitcoin at the moment :)

At least own some physical gold and silver held outside the banking system if you don't want to have Bitcoin.

Oh I've got some other crypto, just very little Bitcoin :) cheers

damn yo, why u getting flagged?
I don't see anything in this post deserving of a censorship attempt.

Flagging can mean only one thing...Kramer reads Steemit and is just getting his own licks in.

Sad when someone cant use words and has to resort to censorship attempts.

its ok, whoever flagged his post didnt accomplish their goal! It will just get resteemed and that will offset any lost steem! Also, where do u even see that a post is flagged anyway? or is the flag gone now?

its the second biggest vote on the post so pay out would prolly be double or more if it wasent flagged.

Jon Stewart vs Jim Cramer was one of the best moments in television history.

Who won? Nobody?

Yes Cramer is completely whacko, but we knew that already didn't we.

It will be interesting to see if Bitcoin can start not only to scale but also get some Ethereum like development kits created for it . Then how much will it be worth?

And if Ethereum follows and overtake Bitcoin in terms of market cap (it already has many more use cases) how high could it go?

But the real revolution - if lCO and launch succeeds - must be EOS. In the words of Dan Larimer: EOS will be able to have Ethereum running on a single contract!

It's a great time to be a CoAgorist working for the outbuilding of the state, to be an investor and a user in this vast new realm that is being created.

Nice Post

Followed/upvoted/resteemed/appreciated! Love your postings. Agree 100%. Cramer is moronic. Same level as Trump 😂

i'd like to remind everyone that jim cramer might have used to be in finance, but he is now an entertainer.

not saying he's right or wrong, just saying a lot of people take financial advice from someone who spends his day either on set or in production meetings.

That CNBC clip is great! I hadn't seen it until this. Thanks for sharing @dollarvigilante!

What a retarded reason for Bitcoin to go to $1 million!

Jim Cramer has a pretty good history of making retarded calls. I always liked him saying Telsa was a terrible investment years ago. He called that one nicely!

Cramer is so toxic, no worse than any other mainstream market analyst mind you, but toxic nonetheless.

It is unfortunate that these ideas are getting spread about cryptocurrencies being "mainly used by the black market"... we see what you're doing MSM and we'll win anyway.

My parents still get most of their news from MSM. It's annoying having conversations with them.

He is entertaining.
Dare I mention that we made some nice market plays off Cramer's insight?
Did my own research but he spotlighted some good moves.

he shouldn't be talking about what he doesn't understand

agree 👻

perhaps someday...

It amazes me that people got all their information from 3 TV channels for 40 years and they think they know everything about the world.. Indoctrinated baby boomers trying to run the world. Isaiah 11:6 'A child shall lead them'. Keep up the great work Jeff!

Thanks for the references, I enjoyed your post as it's really informative.

Oh yeah! That million dollar mark is coming!

Cramer is just a TOOL of the Globalists who want everyone to transfer their cash to the Great Wall Street Casino, that insiders control and manipulate for their benefit alone.

Haha Cramer is crazy, I do believe bitcoin could go to 1 million though!

Because of This and for other many reasons is why I don't watch TV. Thanks again !! ;)

Why not? When he says, although only now, it gets people's attention. But I have no argument with this one.

I saw the same thing 11 months ago. https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@longnshort/bitcoin-goes-to-ususd50-000-1-000-000-in-10-to-20-years


2017 #UNRIG, The Election Reform Act

#UNRIG Is a very simple proposition put forward by Robert David Steele, who Is an American activist and former Central Intelligence Agency clandestine services case officer. Steele classifies himself as a political half breed, he says he Is alt right and alt left. He noticed recently that his colleagues and friends, on the alt left, didn't get that Donald Trump Is a chance to take down the Deep State.

Robert has been working with Cynthia McKinney since 2009, when they realized that #UNRIG was ready to take off. Both Robert and Cynthia realized that they needed to help everyone understand that the Deep State Is our common enemy. Also that If the enemy of my enemy Is my friend, If Donald Trump Is the enemy of the Deep State, which Robert Is convinced he Is, then there Is an opportunity here for all of us to come together.

Robert and Cynthia have published a manifesto called #UNRIG, Beyond Trump and Sanders, The Election Reform Act. They are working with the white and black churches, trying to get the churches to host open houses In June. To bring together the alt Right, alt Left, the black communities, Latinos, small parties and Independents to all come together. If they all agree that the Deep State Is our common enemy, If they agree that the Election Reform Act, that Roberts put together, aggregated from, hundred of peoples, knowledge of thinking about this for many years. If they agree, that Is the solution, putting Integrity back In to the United States government. Then In July Robert and Cynthia are suggesting to all citizens, that they self organize and that they occupy the front lawns, home offices, of every member of congress. Until each member signs the Integrity pledge, committing to co-sponsoring and passing the election reform act of 2017, In September.

They have asked senator Rand Paul to Introduce this act before the summer recess, even If he only reads It In to the congressional record. That will be the line In the sand, between we the people and the Deep State. Robert and Cynthia are also asking Donald Trump to take the leadership role here.

Please can everyone re-post articles explaining this and resteem.

Utter madness and this is the same for stocks to. I really don't get how anyone makes money talking about stocks. No one can predict whats going to happen and a large potion of it is luck and trust. You trust a company to do well and not hide things and all is looking good and then WHAM you find out they where cooking the books and they are now bankrupt.

Assumptions like this one are just a marketing ploy to try and grab peoples attention. This is all any major news outlet does anymore. They come up with wild crap to try and pull people in and get viewers. I'm glad I stopped watching news years ago.

When I saw people tweeting & writing about Cramer I was like WTF? Are you serious? Listening to anything that guy says after what he did in 08 is insane. Then I realized that that was almost 10 years ago and maybe a lot of people commenting were still teens, early 20's. Back then and weren't paying attention. Time flies and charlatans always come back.

Don't have to worry about turning off, what is never on.

CRAMER the TOOL@dollarvigilante I don't see it going to Million and seem like Cramer is trying to give disinformation.

Anything Jim Kraemer says is just short of the antithesis of reality. If yah wanna do well in the market...bet against anything Kraemer says! 😜

why do people still listen to cramer??????

Cramer is a tool & probably a fool also

Those with eyes to see can understand, it really matters what story-line you follow and how you use the intellect you were given.

The mainstream, mockingbird media is pure demagoguery designed by cynical men to lead little lambs to slaughter. Take heed! As you think, so you become.

I recently posted an article outlining the limitations of bitcoin and steem however I am bullish on both. I think that Bitcoin is here to stay however developers have to resolve its limitations

I wonder if they get paid and misinform people on purpose or they are just completely uneducated. Thanks Jeff for posting about this because I have seen a youtube video around with the title of Jim Cramer saying it`s going to to 1 million but I immediately thought it was non sense based on my predictions on when the mainstream gets involved in cryptos!

Cramer is definitely a schill and thats why he never gets fired for his "advice". He is saying what he gets paid to say, he is actually doing his "job".


thanks for share this info. you already in my following list @dollarvigilante

Cramer is a Wall Street/Globalist Shill. Watch him lose his mind when the market was melting down in 2008 - months after his famous Bear Stearns call. He's begging for a Fed bailout.

Now he's trying to link Bitcoin to extortion to throw potential buyers off balance. That's his main objective. He's a circus clown. His comments reflect only one thing: Wall Street is nervous about Bitcoin. Cryptos undermine their control mechanisms.


Some News: BTC is something huge right now. Going up to 3000! Great post and info btw upvoted+promoted!

maybe... in the future... but not for the reasons that looney-bin would think!

I'm impressed how you have the stomach to watch this… this… “media”?

I discovered your videos on youtube last week and they are absolutely fascinating. I can't wait for the crypto-revolution to finally happen. Keep the videos and posts coming and Jim Cramer is a lunatic.

@dollarvigilante its because of one of your youtube videos which i stumbled upon really by accident was when i first learned about steemit. its seriously great and thanks for introducing it to me.

Nice, I just did some quick estimates of Steemit's future potential here:

Your million dollar estimate would assume that Bitcoin takes most of the market share from fiat that cryptos will gobble up in the coming years. Still ridiculous what Cramer is saying about it though. It's an obvious smear campaign. Most of the old school traders I follow are afraid of cryptos, so it's possible he's just got the blinders on due to his age. https://steemit.com/steemit/@randr10/some-cute-chicks-ready-to-take-flight

you know it Jeffrey. you always know it.

Well that should put steem at around??? 100?

Excellent stuff Jeff, and I'm not saying that just because your first name happens to be my middle name.

The globalist, leftist media and the banks are to me the proverbial "blind leading the blind" and his tone in talking of Bitcoin's rise was that of panic. It was like when the Pharisee's worried Jesus was stealing "their" followers.

Bitcoin is not the answer to all of mankind's problems, but it is most certainly a refreshing alternative to some of the financial and economic woes that the world groans under. My hope isn't only for me regarding BTC, but for the poorest of the poor.

Keep doing the good work of showing people a better way to transfer wealth!

nice post Geoff the globalists are fearful of bitcoin and the collapse of their banking system and will continue to try everything to demonize it. Bitcoin is the answer to their tyranny. @kevinace

Nice interview, Jeff. I wonder how many associated with the program will be scurrying around to learn about bitcoin?

DV, thank you for the comic relief...well written article. I would love to be a billionaire...but somehow being able to watch the globalist and their shills shrivel up like raisins when everything unravels is WAY more satisfying than any amount of money!

I cannot agree with you more strongly on your negative assessment of Cramer.

Despite this, and my strong agreement with you regarding the dollar, I cannot agree with your overall recommendation.

I will leave my comment at this: regardless of the reasons Cramer puts forward, whenever he recommends something it is a tell, and you should do the exact opposite. That he is recommending BTC should prompt every student of investing to sell the bulk of that currency, for no other reason than his record shows that he is a shill, and is used to pump and dump for the money behind the scenes.

I hope you do not take my comment as a personal attack, but I expect you will. I have made my case for the fragility and danger of cryptocurrency elsewhere, and won't go into it here.

I wish you the best of luck, and have nothing but respect for the creators and users of BTC. I am confident that it has great potential, and can be a wonderful benefit to mankind. However, it has enemies, and the power of nation states and corrupt financial institutions to deceive and defraud in order to steal is woefully underestimated, and I fear for your fortune.

Be well.

@valued-customer your post is well thought out and articulate. You are warning that it's not good to put all your eggs in one basket and there is nothing wrong with that.

There are about 10 trillions USD between circulating, vehicles, etc. There will never be more than 22 millions BTC, if every will value 1 million USD, then it means that there will be an equivalend of 22 trillions USD.. which of course doesn't make sense. Best "reasonable" target price for a BTC is 50K more than that it's just a dream...

Except in 10 years there actually will be 20 trillion.

Accounting for inflation yes. I think Jeff said in today's money back when he made the prediction. There's still quite a bit more fiat than just USD floating around though. It's also possible that he made the rough estimate assuming zero inflation in BTC as well. Not necessarily intended to be super accurate.

Ok, but again the usd represents a whole country of millions of people with their market, institution etc etc.. bitcoin is a virtual token with an immutable database. In my opinion it doesn't make sense to value a technology so much, but of course I will hodl one for 10 years and see, happy to be wrong:)

That was the best advertisement that Bitcoin could ever get with these bozos talking about it.

It's the final countdown for the USD!

I think bitcoin will hit 1 million dollar in less than 3 years! YAY i'll be rich!

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