
Bitcoin is basically useless that's why it's crashing. It's too bad it's taking useful tokens and coins with it. Bitcoin needs to die, it's unuseability gives all of crypto a bad name.

Meanwhile the majority of "useful" tokens can't scale as advertised and are vulnerable to 51% attacks

Posted using Partiko Android

It's a lesson in crypto everyone eventually learns before they move to more functional cryptos like Bitshares 👌

Here's the top youtube comment about this video:

Couldn't agree more and I can relate from loosely following TDV. 11 months ago Jeff recommended ZCash as a hot currency likely to go up, how is that working out? If you make 10 different predictions, you're bound to be right at least once.

I admire Jeffs marketing skills. This is another brilliant promotional video hand-picking 'correct' predictions from the past. Mixed in with buzz words like 'valuable information' and 'insights'. But what do you really expect subscribing to the TDV church? Paying someone to do the thinking for you and make you money? Why would anyone do that?

Although confidence is low at the moment we may never see prices this low again,and yes it might continue to drop but I think I’m going to start dipping my toes in the crypto pool very soon. Thanks mike

If I have more money... I would buy it already now.

Buy, buy, buy....
That's what Im doing.

Jeff I appreciate you showing the swings of bitcoin in the early days. I had opportunities at $33 and didnt take it, I wont be missing opportunities like that again, if I can help it. I am buy as much as I can right now. Looking forward to steem pumping in the future. I would love to hear you do a more in depth video about STEEM. Buy Buy!

That was a great video 🧐 love how you put the snoop music right after that interview that got you banned from main stream. You sir , know what you are talking about. Watched another o e of your vids on YouTube couple weeks back , you were giving a talk and you said “ the room is kinda empty, that’s a good sign, if it was full, I’d be worried”. Perfect sense

Posted using Partiko iOS

@dollarvigilante, thanx for the video! It was useful to watch. So, you think the current crypto prices are atractive?

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks a lot, some good points I got encouraged by, like, over 300 times declared deaths of bitcoin already, a normal reaction for extreme hokey shape growth in 2017, crypto getting close to credit/debit cards chunk of market, the investment moves into crypto of some established guys proving its power etc. if I remember correctly.

Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology collaboratively showcased and showcasing the signs of Financial Freedom and Financial Control. Let's hope that soon we will rise up from this Bear Market.@dollarvigilante, Nothing is permanent but in my opinion

Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂

It will be resurrected once again 😀

Posted using Partiko iOS

YEs you was say I think many time take profits... now I can say I did not listen to you was cool to look how all go up :))) and I was new here in the crypto world... but all can not be good. So I try be ready for next run.
I Sit and HODL .

But I'm interested in what will happen if the USA dollar explodes... where all this money users are running. They all not get Gold and Silver .
And so far, I see that encrypted money is the only place where you can quickly send values.

Yeah plenty of us are eating humble pie but for those in it for the long run they are not too concerned these things happen and you can’t just be here for the good times

Posted using Partiko iOS

When Lambo is real!

Bitcoin is far from dead!

Remember people saying steem will never drop under $1?

Good info selling it all thanks going to load up on anything paper based to invest in and move to California build me a house outta fiat!

Thank you Jeff for the information.

Any videos on article 13 we are concerned about this subject hoping to see your thoughts

I enjoying reading the comments

Bitcoin requires millions of dollars worth of new investment each day just to cover cost of mining and keep it alive. It is not sustainable. STEEM costs are extremely low and are scalable. Transfers are free to us and only take 3 seconds.