The US government is the most bankrupt government in the history of the world. At $19.9 trillion, nothing even comes close. The next closest are the EU and Japan with approximately $9 trillion in debt… not even half as much as the US!
And, when you add up all US government debt and liabilities - which are things already spent but which need to be paid for in the future - it works out to somewhere between $100 and $200 trillion.
The reason there is such a big gap in estimates is because the US government hasn’t actually been audited properly in roughly 27 years. The thing is out of control; no one even knows what's going on.
Even the Department of Offense, stationed at the Pentagram, has said it has no idea what happened with $6.5 trillion! Yes, trillion!
But, if you take the lowest estimate of the US government’s debt and liabilities, of $100 trillion, or $100,000,000,000,000, that works out to over $300,000 for every man, woman, and child in the US!
A family of four has over $1 million in government debt and liabilities overhanging it.
Do you know many families that can afford to pay back $1 million? Neither do I. Especially with half of Americans currently living paycheck to paycheck.
That means there will be a massive collapse at some point… and soon. Things can sometimes stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent. But they can’t stay irrational and mathematically impossible forever.
And, for this reason, the US government is now trying to find anything it possibly can to steal from its tax slaves to stay alive just a little while longer.
And, it was only a matter of time, until they zeroed in on cryptocurrencies.
It seems a day doesn’t go by without the bureau-rats in Washington, District of Criminals, trying to steal, extort, kidnap or kill people.
The latest is called the “Combating Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing, and Counterfeiting Act of 2017.”
Forget for the moment that the biggest financier of terrorism at the moment is Donald Trump, who recently inked a deal to sell $110 billion in arms to the Saudi Arabian government. The Saudi government that was intricately involved in 9/11, chops people’s heads off regularly and is currently committing genocide in Yemen.
Also, forget that money laundering is a euphemism for “extortion evasion”.
And, forget also, that the biggest counterfeiter in the world is the Federal Reserve which prints up trillions of dollars and gives it to their banker friends regularly.
Forgetting all that, the new bill aims in part, to extend sentences from five to TEN years in prison for US citizens who are caught transporting more than $10,000 in cash without filling out the proper declaration paperwork.
It’s called “Civil Asset Forfeiture” and surprise, surprise, there's nothing civil about it. It’s really just another term for legalized larceny. It gives road pirates the authority to plunder all your booty - no warrant, no trial, and no due process required.
This bill takes a further step to target bitcoin and wants to put any business which “issues” cryptocurrency under this umbrella of anti-money laundering regulations. Plus, bitcoin is included in the list of monetary instruments that must be reported when entering or leaving the US.
The funny part is bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies actually exist nowhere. When you “own” bitcoin you don’t actually have the bitcoin sitting in your pocket or in your house. What you have is a key to a ledger with which you can then send bitcoin to other people.
But you never physically hold it.
That’s what makes this new bill ridiculous. They want you to declare your cryptocurrencies you are “holding” when you physically cross their imaginary line (called a border).
The government just has no clue how to deal with cryptocurrencies. Governments are based on one thing: violence. They know how to extort, rob, kidnap, threaten and kill people.
What they don’t know how to do is to steal your cryptocurrency… because they can’t.
And that’s why we love cryptocurrencies!
You know who hates cryptocurrencies? Governments and central banks. Here’s more proof.
Most recently, the head of the German central bank, Jens Weidmann took a jab at cryptocurrencies like bitcoin claiming that if anything, the use of them will worsen the next financial crisis.
Wait, how does he know there is an upcoming financial crisis? Well, that’s because it is baked in the cake!
He stated - to paraphrase - that digital currencies - whose flow can not be blocked by conventional means - make an instant bank run far more likely, and in creating the conditions for a run on bank deposits, lenders would be short of liquidity and struggle to make loans.
Am I the only one who doesn’t see a problem with that? That’s exactly what should happen so that people wake up to the fact that their money is not safe in fractional reserve banks!
Then, Weidmann continued to explain that if existing banking payment systems could just be made more efficient, then that would stop the public from flocking to cryptocurrencies.
He clearly doesn’t understand why people love cryptocurrencies. Nor does he understand just how evil central banking is.
Sure, cryptos are more efficient than wire transfers in many cases, but that is absolutely not the sole reason people use them. Rather, most people are attracted to their structure, or lack thereof - the fact that many are decentralized. People have more confidence in decentralized payment systems because they aren’t attached to a physical headquarters that can be attacked by violent government thugs.
And, furthermore, cryptocurrencies cannot be inflated at will behind closed doors by a cabal of communist style central planners. People also seem to like that a lot.
Jens Weidmann believes cryptocurrencies will make the upcoming (planned) financial crisis worse than it would have been otherwise because many people will pull out of the banking system and into cryptocurrencies.
If so, expect cryptocurrencies to skyrocket in the next crisis.
The best coverage of cryptocurrencies in the world is in The Dollar Vigilante newsletter (subscribe here) where we have been covering them since 2011 and gained subscribers more than 100,000%!
Or, if you still aren’t sure about cryptocurrencies, watch my free four video tutorial here where I explain why it is so important to have some exposure to cryptocurrencies.
In this article, alone, we have already described how the US government is trying to figure out how to steal your cryptocurrencies. And, the German central bank is already front running the next financial crisis and trying to blame it on cryptocurrencies.
Why do they care so much about this computer money?
Because it has the potential to destroy governments and central banks completely.
And we wish it all the best of luck!
stealtax your cryptocurrencies here!Love these memes
So funny, but it could be reality
You can count on it
They asked for how much cash do you bring, so would as cryptos soon
Haha these are great.
That is funny!
We need a cryptocoin called 'keister'...
OMG !!!!!!!!! so good
Not so funny. This is our future. Who knows what obstacles the government will dream up to make owning cryptos as difficult as possible.
Funny :-) but of course in reality really sad.. but the good news is that crypto-currencies will probably win over fiat money!
Great post Jeff
Thanks for the info,
when i hear this story make me thinking of my life.
I Approve this MESSAGE!
Thanks Jeff, great hard hitting points as usual. Many theorize that Bitcoin is actually a digital ponzi scheme set up by the system to get people out of precious metals(obviously not a free market) and into crypto so that they can do the massive sell off as you have mentioned before, people would just buy more. But my point is so long as there is any unit of value to measure wealth or value will not someone else own that value whomever determines that open market, even if it is decentralized? I am saying, lets find a solution because to me Bitcoin looks like the lesser evil in a world based on ponzi schemes.
People that theorize that Bitcoin is a ponzi via the globalists are just people who can't read code, or don't want to take the time to understand blockchain technology.
A corporation could also be called a ponzi scheme, in that it grows by value being put into it, but that value crashes when people no longer buy whatever they are selling. Bitcoin was intended to be decentralized, open and anonymous but is operated primarily by four nodes now, who are scheduled to split in August this year, silk road is evidence that it can be tracked and while it remains a open market regulators want a piece of it so they can "stabilize the market". Yes code is law, I am not a computer programmer, but I can see Bitcoin is programmed for scarcity, just like FRNs. The code says it will be at 20K USD when the last block is mined, from there on it will be whatever anyone will pay for it, but who will use it when it costs 1K USD to send 10K?
Yes there are some issues but we are still at the beginning of this technology. With all the money flowing in you will get the best guys out there involved and this will take it to a new level. But todays issues need to be overcome as, like you said, who will use it when transaction fees are through the roof or when a transaction takes days.
Thanks again for a brilliant post! Yeh where do you go at 100 to 200 trillion dollars debt! There's no where to go! There will be a big jump ship at some point then things will be kinda scary for a lot of people especially for those who are not invested in other assets.
Hi Dollarvigilante,
When do you think we're going to see the flippening? Win 10 STEEM :) my link below:
The U.S when it found out how much debt its accumulated...
This is a war that government will lose and lose big. Thanks for your excellent coverage, Jeff.
Just finished reading the text of the bill a bit before you published this and I started laughing/crying when I saw this:
"Monetary instruments with amount left blank.—For purposes of this section, a monetary instrument in bearer form that has the amount left blank, such that the amount could be filled in by the bearer, shall be considered to have a value of more than $10,000 if the instrument was drawn on an account that contained, or was intended to contain more than $10,000 at the time"
So, a blank check is automatically assumed to be worth at least $10,000. Leave your checkbook at home the next time you cross the border.
Thank you Jeff
I'm still buying I love buying in the red- Buy low Sell high 😎🔑 but longterm holding is key for massive success
To each his/her own! I am in it for the long term but I could make short term profits at the same time then why not.
Thank you, @dollarvigilante for being awesome and writing this post that's really dense in value.
Exactly my point, buy low sale high...hold longterm for massive gains 👍
Jens Weidmann is a Merkel shill. before working for Bundesbank he was the right hand of Angela Merkel.
Target2 balances are almost 1 Trillion now. Worthless germans demands for greek bonds.
Jetzt ist dein post hier weiter oben ;-)
Geile Funktion oder? weiß nur kaum jemand. Oder kaum jemand macht Gebrauch davon.
Hast du etwa gerade SBD für mich ausgegeben? thanks!
Die wurden erzeugt. Hab nichts ausgegeben. Aber Bitte!
Aber mittels welcher Funktion hast du den Post nachj oben gepusht?
Tja so sieht es aus. Lange scheinst du Jeff noch nicht zu folgen oder nicht alles ;-) Wenn man einen upvotet dann rutscht den sein Kommentar nach oben oder eben der post wenn man einen macht im allgemeinen.
So habe unten was geschrieben bei dem Artikel von Jeff. Jetzt kannst du es mal probieren ;-)
I am preparing myself for the big fall/crash of the banks and the fall of the fiaty currencies ...I just hope it will not happen in the next 2 years ...but i agree that sooner or later it will explode in our face.
Thanks Jeff for opening my eyes
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following category:Congratulations @dollarvigilante!
Amazing post ... Even Vladimir Putin is worried by crypto craze, so he arrange meeting with the founder of Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin to create National Virtual Currency and back Crypto Currencies before it gets too late.
Take a look to a light, superficial and linking post I just wrote (my first):
Btw, the first picture I got when read your post:
Good documentation
I just read your email this morning, you are a very good writer and you articulate your narrative in a manner that is very engaging and easy to understand.
I really appreciate the information your are providing and your entrepreneurial spirit and enthusiasm is inspiring and gives me motivation for my art business.
Thanks @dollarvigilante
Never trusted the banks
Check out this video about the death money.
Jeff you are great. I can tell you nobody in germany believed this Jens. Even if they dont know a lot about Bitcoin. Its some good news.
Its like Windows is telling bad things about apple products ;-)
Good morning.... big thumbs up and a follow!
I shall enjoy reading your articles.
we need to make crypto the new money!
sorry, duplicate post
Sponsor: Sen. Grassley, Chuck [R-IA] (Introduced 05/25/2017)
That's such an informative post @dollarvigilante. Subscribed to your newsletter. Looking forward to get more insight on cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies.
Thanks :-)
Dogecoin? Anyone?
It isn't giving good return. Mostly stuck around same price since more than a month!
cannot wait to see the crash....
The intriguing question is: If governments (for example U.S. govt.) will make using cryptocurrencies in shops and other locals illegal, then it is going to be a crypto-prohibition. Will it end up just like the real prohibition in 1920s and 1930s ?
"Things can sometimes stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent. But they can’t stay irrational and mathematically impossible forever."
I consistently underestimate a market's resilience despite all the signs of an impending recession.
Civil Asset Forfeiture is one of the most unconstitutional things happening in the US. Everyone should be doing what they can to spread the word about this and support anyone who is doing anything about it. The ACLU does work on this issue.
CAF is great for forcing those with blinders on to look at the truth of the court and government system in the US. It can't be denied.
The big con is they always say legislation is law. Its not, its statues created by rich people behind closed doors. They are not laws. Legality and law are not the same. Know your strawman. Peace to the human race.
Great article..... thanks!
Truthfully truth
Great post Jeff. Love your videos. Keep up the good fight.
Great work Jeff! You just earned my 700th post! Thanks and keep on shining the light on the government corruption
Another good one from you. The government will always poke thier nose everywhere and try to control through regulations in order to take as many tax money as possible. We the people will resist them via smart blockchain technologies however this wont go without a fight from them.
Impressive analysis, keep it
What is your forecast on bitcoin and ether prices next year ?
Jeff knocks another one out of the park. If im honest the first time I heard of steem was on The Anarchast a long time ago but alas like bitcoin I thought it would be a flash in the pan. :(
Excellent points @dollarvigilante! How can you track/declare something that doesn't physically inhabit any space?
I'm not so sure cryptos will rise during the next crash. In fact, I think it will start plummeting soon because people suspect a crash this fall. People will bail on cryptos and sink their money into the metals because deep down inside, people know what real money is.
People could talk all they want about how great crypto is, but when the real deal starts happening, and electronic money around the world is not available (including crypto), people who have already made their profit will be like, "Uh, it was a good experiment, I'm going into gold now."
)))..это как всегда..
When do you think fiat currencies will collapse ?
Ha that's impossible to predict. Could be next week or three years from now.
Definitely resteemed this and I hope EVERYONE does! people need to hear this!!!!
Nice article, I really liked this one!
See Tips & Tricks blog of BTC's
It is brave to make such video. Good stuff! More ppl should do this and talk about these issues. These governments and elitists like to control people, all what is needed is people to wake up and start talking more loud to each other, world can be something much different than what it is now. Old Time limitations and control over people, is that a good development? No! Lets make something new. Cryptocoins are something new and they already try to control it. Now its the same as fearing some new technology, but fearing something new and trying to control it doesnt make it better (yea sure i know the real reasons, just as Jeff explained in the video, but it would be a too long story to talk about). I say welcome the future and Cryptos and let people use them FREELY! Thats whats called Freedom. No more old time tax and regulations!
best of luck for this to happen.. so people will be the true rulers of the country .. imagine if ppl trade only with cryptocurrencies...
I posted this an hour ago! HERE:
Thanks for the insightful post.
It ends with a war.. a nasty bloody one. That's the end game here. Something has to cover up this mess. What will be currency then?