That was quite an excellent article, thanks. Considering the massive advertisement that is going around for non-informed people, that thing could bring a lot of tears.
How do you think will the strategic (interest) holders in Bitcoin react? After all, there is a lot at stake for some and with the big banks buying themselves in I could imagine, they buy the losses to stabilize the price and keep the market going. After all, they intend to control the whole thing, but if it is dead, their stake is gone too and I am sure, Manhattan won't like it losing against the Chinese..
PS: I do expect to spend some time on your super yacht (I'll take the wing on the left;-)
haha! you're welcome on the left wing any time ;)
There are already creative bankers out there. Look at Polibius Bank in Estonia. They try to do the balancing act of crypto business and conventional banking. And just recently Venecuela's government announced the issue of its own crupto currency. I am courious to know what comes out of it.