The reward was 50 BTC ($760k~ today’s value, maybe $0.001 back then). It's still crazy to think about how we're witnessing one of the greatest mass creations of wealth in modern history. Bitcoin was the flagship that launched a fleet of over 1,000 different projects, equalling a market cap of about $718 BILLION today. It's crazy to think how much innovation has happened in such a small amount of time. The floodgates have opened for thousands of exciting teams to start building civilization-advancing technologies. Talent that would otherwise be spending 16 hours a day coding puppy dog filters is shifting over to build things that could substantially change the world.
You can talk bad about Bitcoin all you want, but the crypto industry would be nowhere without it.
Here's a photo of Block 0.
50 BTC per block!!! Why wasn't I mining back in 2009....:(