Covid is waaaaay DOWN. Bitcoin is looking good!

in #bitcoin3 years ago

Some great news today in the spheres I follow! Covid-19 deaths are the lowest since this all began 2 years ago! And BTC has popped over 42k, showing signs of stabilizing after the pullback from the all-time high of 69k in November. It sure would be nice to have a Covid-bullshit-free summer at the same time as my hodlings shoot up and away!

Covid deaths, the only indicator worth anything at this point, have dropped to a level not seen since March 2020 - the very start! This is a significant milestone, and made more so by the fact that as time has gone by, authorities have dreamed up more and more ways to artificially inflate the death count. For it to fall so low means the plandemic has completely run its course.

Simultaneously, BTC is trading above 42k again, showing signs that most of the pain is behind us, and recovery may be close at hand.

HIVE is looking stable but hasn't cracked the dollar level yet. Once it does, there may be another run to the $3+ range! But for now, it's BTC in play, briefly trading over 43k before sellers took some profits.

Speaking of Bitcoin, I notice Canadian government is fuming they aren't able to access most of the crypto funds donated to Freedom Convoy. State media has announced "most of the $1 million in known donations appears to have evaded seizure by authorities more than a month after the federal government invoked the Emergencies Act to freeze convoy assets".

It goes on to say "the main account associated with protesters raised 20.7 bitcoins but police seem to have frozen only 6. The remaining has been drained from its original source, with one main self-professed crypto organizer posting videos of himself handing access information directly to convoy supporters in downtown Ottawa."

Funny they use the word "frozen", like it's a bank account. But you can't freeze cryptocurrency! I explained that in my postThey can't seize Bitcoin! on the @FreedomConvoy account last week. You can tell people not to use their Bitcoin, but you can't freeze their funds. You can throw organizers in jail, and deny them internet access, which will stop or slow down funding temporarily. But freeze, steal, or block crypto? That's extremely hard, or impossible. Government has put everything they've got into making it happen, and has fallen up short.

"A joint force operation involving the Ottawa Police Service, Ontario Provincial Police, and RCMP is seeking to recover bitcoin used by health mandate protesters, but observers say those efforts have so far failed to stop users from finding ways to access the money."

An expert was called in to say "the limitation is that the crypto can simply be transferred to another wallet address that's not frozen, and then another address that's not frozen, and it can continue to be transferred in an effort to obscure the original source."

While it's true that moving currency from wallet to wallet is one way some people increase privacy, it's not true that wallets can be frozen. To use that term shows the expert really isn't an expert, or he's purposely using it to mislead the average viewer who is not well versed in crypto. Try and freeze your own account, if you think crypto can be frozen. If anyone can freeze your funds, you can! Try it. How's it working out? Hint: there's simply no capability for a wallet to be frozen. The only way it can be frozen is if the person who controls the keys is somehow prevented from using them. Throw them in jail. Issue a court order with serious consequences. Shut off their internet access. Hold them at gunpoint. There are ways to stop crypto from being used, but YOU CANNOT "FREEZE" PRIVATE CRYPTO WALLETS the way bank accounts, credit cards, and other legacy financial accounts can be frozen.

"The RCMP blacklisted crypto wallets associated with the convoy and demanded Canadian digital currency exchanges stop facilitating transactions."

Blacklisting? More impossible nonsense - disinfo. But yes, it's true that exchanges can be made to stop transactions, close accounts, and more. Exchanges are basically (unregulated) banks for cryptocurrency. Do NOT keep your money in an exchange. If you don't hold it yourself, you don't own it (just like like with gold and silver bullion).

"Nicholas St. Louis, who has not been charged in this case, handed out envelopes with what he said were seed words directly to protesters in a series of videos posted online on February 18."

Funny they had to mention he hasn't been charged... for handing out envelopes with seed words to crypto wallets. It's like they're trying to make crypto out to be illegal and scary, even if nothing illegal or scary is happening. Ohhhhhh, crypto! So frightening!! He handed out envelopes, guys! Get him!!

What's actually scary is how peaceful and legal protest is being stifled in Canada. Protest is a bare minimum right in a free society. Once you lose that right, you are truly an owned piece of domesticated livestock. If you can't even express your dissatisfaction with the ruling authorities, they are dictators. Time and time again in 2022, Trudeau and his goons are showing that globalists are in charge of Canada, not its people. Any and all methods will be used against you, and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms no longer applies if the government doesn't want it to.

But Covid is over, and the mandates must end. Freedom must be restored.

And crypto could very well be a part of that!



🍁 🚚🚛🚚🚛🚚🚛🚚🚛🚚🚛🍁

I have never really looked deep into the trucker thing, but I think it is great that you are active for them, since you are Canadian.

I would love for your story to have a happy end, you know the whole young family getting rid of debt thanks to hive thing could have been a great story to promote hive.

But yeah again the same guy comes along ruining everything.


Thanks for drawing in the coloured lines. I can see clearly covid going down and Bitcoin going up. See, I don't even capitalize covid anymore but I capitalzie the B in Bitcoin. Every time I go to press shift along with covid I smack my hand, no! :-D

Pro Tip : Stop complaining or you will have everything zeroed out. This is the way Hive works.